Drop Everything and Read

Mr Raymond Andrew, Head of English

From Week 6 Term 2 until Week 6 Term 3 (Bookweek), Secondary HASS and English teachers will dedicate one period a week for students to engage in uninterrupted silent reading.  At The King's College, we call this DEAR - Drop Everything and Read. 


This is our second year of DEAR. We are greatly encouraged by the students’ response to DEAR last year. There was much enthusiasm for the opportunity to read during class time.


DEAR encourages students to regulate their bodies and build focus. It also aims to gradually build an interest in and love for reading, a habit that is lacking in teenagers today. Children who read regularly are empirically proven to be more intelligent and empathetic to others. DEAR, therefore, dovetails with the values of The King’s College and our academic vision for the college community.


To support DEAR, we ask that all Secondary students bring a book from home beginning Monday of Term 2, Week 6. Students may choose to leave this book in the classroom if they wish to. Teachers are also happy to offer advice if students are unsure if a text is age-appropriate. 


In addition, we are also encouraging students to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and the Best Australian Yarn Competition. More information is available in the following graphics.