Be Exceptional!

iWomen Project

The iWOMEN Project is a Senior Secondary Pathway held in Term 2. It targets Year 10 students from partnering schools in the region. During the iWomen program, participating students visit a range of industries and meet women in non-traditional female roles. The Kwinana Industry Council is committed to engaging students in the workforce and providing an opportunity for young females to see what the industry really looks like. Students also attend several workshops that give them the valuable skills and tools required as they prepare for their place in the workforce.


Our Year 10 student, Ella G., attended the induction day recently and participated in a tour of a member organisation last week. Well done, Ella! 

Other opportunities for the iPrograms will become available throughout the year. The KIC 2025 Pre-apprenticeship courses that can be undertaken during Year 11 and 12 will be open for application in July. Details can be accessed here.

Years 7, 8 & 9 Lightning Carnivals

During Week 4, Year 7-9 students participated in the ACC’s Lightning Carnivals. These carnivals allow students of all abilities the opportunity to participate in their chosen sport, represent our school, and compete against all other ACC schools in WA in a fun day out. Over the three carnival days, the PE team took 13 teams in three sports, including basketball, netball, and soccer. 


All teams demonstrated sportsmanship and provided their best efforts throughout the games. All teams secured several wins or even came away undefeated. Most importantly, all students enjoyed participating and playing with their teammates.


Thank you to all the students who signed up for this event. We hope even more students are encouraged to sign up in future years. Also, a huge thank you to the Physical Education Team for coaching and supporting the students over the three days.