Student Voice

Student Leadership News

A Message from Our College Captains | Eairn Santos & Beckham Cust 

Student voice is extremely important to us! We want our peers to be able to speak up and have a say in how our school runs. The Years 7-12 Councillors recently reviewed the Student Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy and provided some important feedback to the College Leadership.


Last term, our leadership team, comprising our student counsellors and the Year 12 leadership team, had the privilege of attending the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Perth Convention Centre. This conference was a valuable learning experience, equipping us with the knowledge of what it truly means to be a leader and how to make a positive difference in our school. We are excited to implement the insightful tips and information we gathered from the conference into our school's leadership practices. 


"Integrity" is one of our core values at The King's College, and the Year 9 students study integrity in the Christian Education class. They are learning that integrity is more than just doing the right thing when no one is watching. It's about being true to ourselves, our values, and our principles, even when faced with challenges or temptations. In our daily lives, we encounter situations that test our integrity. It could be as simple as resisting the urge to cheat on a test or as complex as standing up for what is right in the face of peer pressure. This value ties into our theme of 'Be You'. 


A Message from our Primary Student Councillors | Violet Koenig and Jake Rowe

This term, Jake and I stepped into the fundraising portfolio as part of our Year 6 Student Leader role. We were determined to come up with a fundraising idea that would make a difference to young people in need. We decided that we wanted to do a ‘Crocs and Socks’ Fundraising Day, because we knew this would be popular with primary students and everyone would get involved, giving us a chance to hopefully raise lots of money. 


What we had to decide next was which charity was aligned with our school values and would also make a real difference to those in need. As it turned out, the charity found us! At the Week 3 Assembly, Sarah Miller from World Vision Australia came to speak to us all about the ‘40 Hour Famine’. As we listened to her explain how their organisation changed the lives of millions of children worldwide, we knew we wanted to be involved. Our primary school will be taking part in the 40 Hour Famine next term, so we decided we would kickstart the fundraising efforts by donating the proceeds of our upcoming Crocs and Socks Day on Tuesday 28 May 2024 to World Vision Australia. We can't wait to get started!


ANZAC Service - RSL Kwinana

Article by Anja Lucero | Head Girl 2024 (Photos by Mrs Lucero & Mrs Villaflor) 

A week ago, on ANZAC Day, I had a special opportunity to represent my school, alongside other student leaders, Jedaiah V.  Madeline J. and Matthias J., at the commemoration service hosted by the Kwinana RSL (Sub-branch), at the City of Kwinana War Memorial.  


It was an honour to sing and lead in the Australian National Anthem, and the hymn, "Abide With Me", for the service. Standing up there and singing felt important and a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm proud that I did it.  


One of my most meaningful moments was laying a wreath at the memorial. It made me feel connected to the history and significance of ANZAC Day. Remembering those who served our country and paying tribute to them, was a powerful experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate and honour our heroes in this way.