Careers Hub Launch

We are excited to announce the launch of the Careers Hub, a central location designed to empower parents and students to access information, tools, events and resources to assist them in navigating career aspirations and pathways. 



Our Careers Hub will be regularly updated with fresh content to ensure you always have access to relevant and up-to-date information. We encourage you to visit the site regularly, and take full advantage of the resources available to support your journey toward a fulfilling and successful career.

Mrs Tania Byrnes

Careers Teacher | VET Coordinator


Work Placement Request

An integral part of a student’s transition from school to further education and training is participation in work experience and work placements.


At The King’s College, our students receive training and support to find their own work placements with host employers, but in some instances, while they are growing their employment-related work networks, they may find it difficult to seek an opportunity in an industry of interest.


If you or your employer is interested in providing an opportunity for our students to complete workplace learning, please complete the form below with your details. Our Careers and VET Coordinator, Mrs Byrnes, will be in touch.



Year 9 Careers Taster

Our Year 9 students were treated to a career exposure incursion from Yalagan Group Training this week. 


Students received an overview of occupations in the rail, mining and civil construction industries. They then participated in some practical learning about hazard identification, harnessing and safety equipment.


The workshop concluded with access to a custom-designed trailer that provided a brief simulated exposure to working at heights and in confined spaces, demonstrating how the harness would work to protect employees in dangerous work environments.


Students were highly engaged throughout the workshop and it has contributed to their knowledge and understanding of work in those fields.