Principal's Message 

Mr Kyle Baggaley | Principal

This week at our Secondary School Assembly, we focused on one of the school's core values: "Integrity".


The internet describes integrity as "the quality of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. People with integrity act honourably in all aspects of life, even when no one is watching."


Proverbs 10:9 says: "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."


Each day, we are faced with many choices—choices to do right or choices to do wrong. Sometimes, we are faced with tough decisions that may benefit ourselves but cause hurt to someone else. If we act with integrity, we need to consider the needs of others and how our decisions impact those around us, regardless of who is watching. Integrity is choosing to do the right thing irrespective of who is watching.


At King's College, we aspire to be more than just an academic institution. We aspire for each of us to build a positive and respectful character, one of integrity and trust. Our commitment to integrity extends beyond the classroom and should be infused in every aspect of our lives.


As servants to the one true King, we are called to approach our endeavours with diligence and integrity (Colossians 3:23), recognizing that our actions are not merely performed for this world but have implications lasting into eternity.


Let us be dedicated to upholding the highest standard, both individually and collectively, striving to be filled with integrity, setting an example for others to follow and fostering a culture where honesty, accountability, and respect are not only upheld but celebrated.


I am grateful to each member of our community for the values we hold to: Generosity, Leadership and Service, Honour, and Integrity. It is through our collective efforts that we build The King's College and make this a great community to be a part of.




Kyle Baggaley 
