Principal's Address

Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to school for Term 2. It was wonderful seeing the happy, smiling faces today and hearing all about everyone's holiday adventures. We have an extremely busy and full term ahead of us filled with sport, cross country, new curriculum units of work, parent/teacher interviews, Mother's Day afternoon tea, book fair and report cards. Given we have such a busy term it is important that we attend school every day. Last term our attendance percentage 90.7%; the goal for Term 2 is 92%.
This term we are completing our School-Led Review where we will review all school policy, procedure and processes against the 9 domains of the school improvement tool. Staff will be meeting weekly to scan and assess how we are going against each domain. Parents and community will be invited to the school in week 6 to be part of the review. A survey will also be sent to parents. I invite your genuine feedback so we can continue to build on the excellent results that Moonie is known for.
The first couple of weeks are packed so I have listed some key dates below.
- Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th April Mrs Savill is attending Tennis trials
- Wednesday 17th Miss Flick is attending Touch trials in Chinchilla
- Cross Country this Friday 19th April
- ANZAC Day Service Tuesday 23rd April
- T&D Cross Country Wednesday 24th April - all families to take their own children. Please let others know in the P&C Chat if you can carpool.
- ANZAC Day public holiday Thursday 25th April
- Parent Teacher Interviews Monday and Tuesday week 3.
- Miss Flick at Cluster Meeting Wednesday Week 3
Brain Teaser
What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?
Remember the first person to contact me with the correct answer wins a block of chocolate.
Until next time,