Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,


With Mothers’ Day falling on Sunday, we have the opportunity to reflect on our mothers and all that they mean to us. Those of us who have lost our mothers, or who have mothers living far away, are sustained by the strength and memories of our mother’s love.


A Mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no-one else can take.


You were there when we took our first steps,

And went unsteadily across the floor.

You pushed and prodded, encouraged and guided,

Until our steps took us out the door...

Two troublesome kids and their mother (Mrs Dame)!!
Two troublesome kids and their mother (Mrs Dame)!!

You worry now "Are they ok?" 

Is there more you could have done?

As we walk the paths of our unknown

You wonder, "Where have my children gone? 

"Where we are is where you have led us,

With your special love you showed us a way,

To believe in ourselves and the decisions we make,

Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day.

And where we go you can be sure,

In spirit you shall never be alone.

For where you are is what matters most to us,

Because to us that will always be home...

Mothers' Day Breakfast

The mothers and their children are undoubtedly looking forward to tomorrow's Mothers' Day Breakfast in the OHR Hall.  Tickets were to be booked by close of business yesterday.  

Thank you to those members of the PFA and other parent volunteers (dads) who have been working behind the scenes to make this special event possible.

Mothers' Day Stall

Thank you to Emma Caldwell for coordinating tomorrow's Mothers' Day Stall.  This event is always a highlight on the students' calendar.  This year the Mothers' Day Stall will be held in the LRC (Library).

OHR School Cross Country

The annual OHR Cross Country was held in glorious weather last Friday afternoon at Macleay Park,  Balwyn North.   It was great to see so many parents and relatives in attendance and this was, no doubt, fuelled by the fact that the students in Prep - Year 2 participated for the first time.  

Congratulations to all students who ran on the day, as they all gave it their best effort.

We now turn our attention towards this Friday's District Cross Country, which will also be held at Macleay Park.  Well done to all those students who have qualified and will be represnting OHR.

More details about both Cross Country events can be found on the PE News page.

Enrolments for 2025

Enrolments for next year are soon closing.  If you have a child who will be commencing school next year, please lodge an enrolment form to the office by next Friday 17 May.  We need this information in order to ascertain student numbers for 2025.  Enrolment figures are used to determine class numbers and structures.  Our enrolment figures impact directly on the funding OHR receives.

Family enrolment meetings will be held in the weeks following 17 May.

Year 3&4 Camp

Next Thursday the students in years 3 & 4 will depart for a two day camp to Camp Jungai in the Rubicon Valley. The students will engage in an indigenous cultural program which has been developed with specialist input from the Taungurung people.  

The students and staff will return next Friday afternoon. Fingers crossed that the weather will remain fine.

The staff attending the camp include: Mrs Esther Jackson, Mrs Carmel Pettinato, Mrs Aria Karagiannis, Mrs Danielle Willis, Mr Nick Byrne, and myself.

Working Bee

We had a fabulous number of parents turn out for last Sunday's Working Bee.  Our primary task was to clear out the storage room beneath the OHR Hall, commonly referred to as 'The Dungeon'.  Mission accomplished!  And all done within the record time of one hour. This allowed time at the end for a coffee (Thanks to Luke and Elle for completing the coffee run!) and a social catch-up.

Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day

In just three weeks time we have the opportunity to celebrate Granparents & Special Friends' Day.  This important day on our calendar offers the opportunity to recognise those significant people in the lives of our children.   Grandparents and Special Friends' Day will be held during the morning of Friday 24 May commencing at 9.00am.

On this day we would love for either the grandparents of the children or other special persons in their lives, to come to school for the morning.  The day will commence with a very special whole school mass in the church, celebrating the place of these important people in the lives of the children.   The visitors will then be invited to spend some time in the classrooms.  Afterwards, our special guests will be warmly invited to stay on for a morning tea in the hall.  

If you haven't already done so, we encourage you to commence sending out those important invitations.

Lamont Book Fair

Once again the Lamont Book Fair will be held in the LRC (Library) from Wednesday 22 May - Thursday 30 May.  Details of the Fair can be found in the Library News page.

PFA Funding Allocation News

Make sure that you visit the PFA News page to learn about an exciting develepment that will commence in the school grounds next week!

Parking in York Street           

For the convenience of all families who use York Street for dropping off and collecting children in the mornings and afternoons, we ask that you observe the 2 Minute Parking Restriction.  The 2 minute parking restriction is in place so that students can safely alight and board their vehicles.  If everyone extends this courtesy, we can expect all our children to arrive and depart school in safety.  Furthermore, adhering to this arrangement ensures that we maintain a good relationship with our neighbours in York Street.  

Your understanding and support is greatly appreciated.

Student Absences

Contact details

There are times when we will need to contact you, including on the day if your child is absent and you haven’t informed the school as to why.  

Do we have your most up to date contact details?  If not, please contact the school on so we can update our records. Please include parent/carers’ name, address, phone numbers, email address and emergency contact details. Please remember to contact the school if any of these details or your circumstances change.

Notify the school of your child’s absence

Protecting the safety and well-being of children through the reporting and monitoring of absenteeism is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools.  Please remember to call the school on 9898 2315 or email both your child's class teacher and Heather ( early in the morning if your child is going to be away or late for school so your child’s absence can be recorded correctly.

Same-day notification of unexplained student absences

Our school will call you as soon as practicable on the day if a student is not at school and you haven’t notified the school as to why. If you are notified by the school that your child is away without a reason, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know where your child is.  If we cannot reach you because we don’t have your correct contact details, then we will make contact with any emergency contact/s nominated on your child’s file held by the school, where possible, on the same day of the unexplained absence.

Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us to provide an explanation for your child's absence from school and, where possible, please inform us in advance of upcoming absences.

Maths Talent Quest

On the Teaching & Learning News page you will also find details of this year's Maths Talent Quest (MTQ).  Proposals need to be emailed to Mrs Penny Hansen by 11 May.  If you have any questions in relation to the MTQ, please email Mrs Hansen:

School Closure Day

Our next school closure day for staff professional learning will take place on Friday 7 June June, which immediately preceeds the King's Birthday long weekend.  The staffs from our three parish schools will gather together at OLGC where the focus will be on Religious Education.


To all our Mums and Mother figures – ‘Have a great Mothers’ Day this Sunday’,

Frank Dame