
Term 2 - FIRE Carrier Term
Wrap up of Project Compassion
During term 1 the Academy raised $4782.44 for Project Compassion. This is simply amazing and is all due to the support of the student body, their mentor teachers and support staff. The school hosted over 20 events before school, during recess or at lunch during term 1 to raise funds. These events required planning, organisation, set up and time. Thank you to all who contributed.
These funds will be donated to Caritas to enable Caritas Australia to work alongside vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas to address the challenges of poverty today, and to drive lasting change for a better tomorrow.
FIRE Carrier Term
This term at Academy is FIRE Carrier Term. This term our community and the FIRE Carriers will celebrate Reconciliation & Naidoc Week, hold a FIRE Carrier Commissioning Ceremony, share knowledge with our community of Aboriginal people, culture and lands, by supporting the Opening the Doors Foundation which supports aboriginal students' access education.
The Opening the Doors Foundation supports the extra costs associated with schooling for Aboriginal students around Victoria. These costs are not otherwise funded from government or other educational funding sources, such as school uniforms, books, school camps and other school associated costs.
What is a FIRE Carrier?
FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community.
FIRE Carrier stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education. The FIRE Carrier Project was developed by the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and is only run in Catholic schools. The project promotes respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. The FIRE Carrier Project promotes enculturation and reconciliation.
Ecological Justice Excursion
On Friday May 3, some of the FIRE Carriers and Justice Students will attend an excursion at Merri Creek where students will partake in the protection of Indigenous Biodiversity. The experience will enable our students to learn and share knowledge about the Indigenous significance of Merri Creek and identify and protect Indigenous plants through the removal of invasive species. The excursion will be led and hosted by Angela Foley PhD (Ed), BA (Hons Geog) the Special Engagement Programs Coordinator at Merri Creek Management Committee. More will be shared about this enriching experience in the next newsletter.
Coming up Justice & FIRE Carrier Dates
- Seeds of Justice Conference - May 16 - 17
- Sorry Day & Reconciliation week - May 26 - 31
- Refugee Week - June 17 - 22
- AMSSA Conference - June 24 - 27
- NAIDOC Week - July 7 - 14
Ms Melinda Sachanandani
Justice Leader
Caritas celebrating 60 years
From Caritas:
Dear Parishes and Schools,
Caritas Australia is celebrating our 60th anniversary and to mark the occasion we have two opportunities to share with your community in your weekly bulletins throughout the month of May.
Caritas Australia’s 60th Anniversary Online Photo Exhibition – Vote for your chance to win!
To mark the 60th anniversary of Caritas Australia, we have compiled a selection of our favourite 60 photos. Vote for your favourite photo to go into the draw to win a beautiful Indigenous Australian artwork from Djilpin Arts, our First Australian partner in the Northern Territory. The artwork is a painting by Harry Malibirr which depicts five dreaming stories.
Simply visit our website and choose a photo from the gallery and vote via the online form. Entries close 30 June 2024
60 Faces: Portraits of Compassion in Action - limited-edition commemoration book
To mark the 60th anniversary of Caritas Australia, we have a limited-edition commemoration book. Each page of this book features carefully selected photographs showcasing the incredible individuals whose lives have been transformed by the international and Australian programs that you help support.
You can purchase the book here
Caritas Australia would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support over the last 60 years!