Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Sr Mary Moloney rsm
Dear Members of the Academy Community,
This year Term 2 is the longest term - 11 weeks which, in a sense, is comforting as there are so many events and activities planned during the weeks ahead.
First of all, thank you to all parents who participated in the recent Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. From all I have heard very valuable conversations took place. I hope parents were pleased with the calibre of the conversations and feel that your daughter is known and supported in her studies. As we all know the best results are achieved with parent, teacher and student working together.
There are a few important events scheduled for the weeks ahead:
Term 2 is also the term of the College Musical and we are looking forward to enjoying our talented students as they perform “Chicago”. Tickets are available now so don’t miss out.
On Friday we bid farewell to our two long stay students from our sister school , Nishiyama High school in Kyoto, Japan. It has been a pleasure to have Chihiro Tani and Ami Nagamori with us for the past 8 weeks. Thank you to the families who hosted these students.
Our focus now turns to Europe with the continued planning for the study tour to Italy in September and the initial planning of the 2025 study tour to France.
Those of you who have visited the College recently will see the remarkable change to the Undercroft area. While not yet finished, colour has been added with a number the green circles on the ground (in recognition that students sit in circles) and the addition of a range of colourful tables and chairs. We have also added a large performance area for students.
There is more colour to come as well as a huge screen to display information. The upgrade of the Undercroft area is the 1st stage of our whole school Masterplan. Given the changes to the Undercroft area, we would like to rename the area. Thank you to the 50 or so staff and students who have proffered their suggestions for a more fitting name. More information to come in the weeks ahead.
I ask your prayers for the Morris family following the sudden death of Dr Chris Morris, father of Evie (Year 11) and Agatha (Year 9). Dr Morris was Head of the Department of Pastoral and Spiritual Studies and Lecturer in Spirituality at the Catholic Theological College. May Chris now rest in peace.
Happy Mothers’ Day to all our Mothers!
Every blessing,
Sr Mary Moloney rsm
A prayer for Mothers
Lord Jesus Christ, You chose to put yourself—tiny, needy and helpless—into the nurturing and watchful hands of a human mother. Since then, every act of mothering, both physical and spiritual, in every time and every corner of the world recollects Mary’s. Inspired by this example, we, too, honour our mothers and mother figures today. Bless these women, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers and nurturers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, honour them always with a spirit of profound respect.
We ask this in your holy name. Amen.