Cyber Safety/STEM

Cyber Safety/STEM


In today's digital age, the use of screens has become a staple for many of us in our daily lives, especially for our children. As parents, navigating this can be just as challenging for us as it is for our children. Amy Green, a well-being expert visited our school last Friday and she discussed the importance of sleep. She said if there’s one thing to take away from a full day of learning about well-being it is the importance of sleep for adults and children.

And what do you think is preventing quality sleep for adults and children? Screens!

Experts generally recommend turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime. This allows the brain to gradually wind down and prepares the body for sleep. Blue light emitted by screens can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, making it harder to fall asleep and potentially disrupting sleep quality. By giving children (and adults!) a buffer period away from screens before bedtime, it helps promote a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Here are two tips to consider!


Mindful Bedtime Routines:


As the day winds down, it's crucial to establish screen-free

rituals before bedtime. Instead, encourage activities like reading, journaling, or gentle stretching to promote relaxation and better sleep quality.


What to Avoid Before Bed:


Certain activities should be avoided before bedtime to ensure a

restful night's sleep. Scrolling through social media feeds or engaging in

intense gaming can stimulate the brain, making it difficult for children to

transition into sleep mode. Creating a calming environment free from screens promotes a sense of calm conducive to a good night's rest.


If you don’t think screens are disrupting our sleep try these tips for a week and see what happens for you or your child!