Learning and Teaching

Learning & Teaching




The Foundation learners have been exploring descriptive language, using their senses. This week, we created our own snow, engaging our senses of touch, smell, sight, and hearing to fully describe the experience. As they crafted their sensory impressions, the learners confidently identified various descriptive words such as 'soft,' 'fluffy,' and 'sticky.' Additionally, they have  been honing their skills in writing engaging sentences by incorporating these descriptive words.




Grade 6


We're proud to highlight the incredible work of our Year 6 learners as they delve into history through a unique lens. With reverence and creativity, these students have been crafting historical recounts from the perspective of the ANZACs. Recognising the sacrifices and experiences of those who served, they're not only learning about history but also gaining empathy and understanding for the brave individuals who shaped our country. Through their thoughtful recounts, they're honoring the legacy of the ANZACs.