Catholic Identity

Catholic Education Week


This week as a community we have celebrated Catholic Education and what sets us apart is our Christ centered faith. 

In our Eucharistic Mass today, together, we honoured our past and heritage in the Brigidine Sisters who founded our school in 1886. We celebrated our present in our learners of today and we embrace the promise of our future, united in courage and confidence. 

Our Catholic faith based education contributes to the development of lifelong learners, people who are committed to social justice who value diversity and inclusion. A community who are enlivened by the Holy Spirit. We give thanks to God for the opportunities for education afforded to us.




God of hope & joy,

As we strive to be faith filled, Easter people,

Who recognise, our great blessings in our educative, school community,

We give thanks for all those who have gone before us,

Who handed on to us our heritage of Brigidine education.

We give thanks for their courage & determination,

Of the pioneering and creative women,

Who responded to God’s call & travelled far from their homeland,

To provide opportunity for the young people of our country.

To experience a Catholic Education,

May we live our lives conscious of our past & true to our heritage,

People who see the goodness & beauty that surrounds us.

May we be inspired & respond, through loving service,

Guided by Jesus, as our model,

A faith community, learning together, spreading the Good News,

Of Jesus through positive relationships,

Trust & Love,



Holly Morris

Catholic Identity Leader


Parish News


Our parish has launched a finance appeal to support the ongoing initiatives and services for our parishioners and community supporters. Please see a letter from our Parish Finance Committee to our St. Mary's Family Letter outlining the details.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated.