Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Margot D | For your incredible effort and persistence in feeling safe in our learning space. You have committed to pushing yourself time and time again and we are all so proud of you! Keep up the great work! |
PB | Chloe M | For always trying her best in all aspects of learning. Thanks for always being such a positive member of Prep B. Keep up the great effort! |
PC | Aiden P | For the amazing detail you are using in your drawings. I have loved watching you follow along with a guided drawing, taking the time, care and effort to complete something you are so proud of. Well done Aiden! |
PD | Tait M | For consistently putting his best effort into his reading and writing. Tait, I have been so impressed with your independence in sounding out tricky words - your attempt to write ‘footpath’ this week was amazing. Keep it up! |
PE | Ibtihal I | For giving her best effort in the classroom and following our school rules, listening to the speaker and following instructions. Keep up the amazing work, Ibtihal. You are a Prep E superstar! |
1A | Felix H | For always displaying the Wembley school values, you are a great role model for our class! You also always put in your best efforts when working independently at your table. Keep up the amazing work, Felix! |
1B | ||
1C | Moussa E | For his amazing work in Maths. Moussa you are showing fantastic skills in counting and matching numbers to collections. Keep up the great work superstar! |
1D | Hugo F | For being a helpful, supportive, kind and trustworthy member of 1D. Hugo, you are always a pleasure to have in our classroom and you have been a role model this term, helping 1D continue to be a wonderful classroom even when you have different teachers. Well done legend, keep up the great work! |
2A | Jack S | For displaying fabulous effort in working through the writing process independently for his narrative. Jack, your enthusiasm and focus during our writing lessons this week has been impressive. Keep up the amazing work! |
2B | Reeva P | For always trying her best when learning new skills, Reeva is a risk taker in the way she approaches her schooling and is a great role model for her peers. Go Reeva! |
2C | Benjamin O | For writing a well structured narrative about ‘Captain Beady Eye’. Ben, I love how you have included interesting adjectives as well as three attempts to solve the problem. I can’t wait to see the published version. Well done! |
2D | ||
3A | Michael S | For expanding your seed and creating a wonderful writing piece called 'The Sheep that could never go to sleep'. Well done Michael! Keep up the great effort ! |
3B | Lucy P | For displaying an amazing amount of resilience both inside and out of the classroom. Lucy, I am really impressed with your ‘can do’ attitude and how you use a growth mindset to overcome your challenges. Keep up the great work legend! |
3C | Cobi T | For your outstanding efforts with all learning tasks. Cobi, you are constantly showing your readiness to learn and are always eager for a challenge. Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to seeing all that you achieve this term. |
3D | Chloe R | For your enthusiasm and positive attitude when engaging in the swimming program at Victoria University this week. You approached the day with a positive mindset allowing you to show your amazing swimming skills and water safety knowledge. Well done, Chloe! |
4A | Margot M | For creating an engaging and interesting ANZAC Day poem, making use of a range of strong and striking words. Great work, Margot. Keep it up! |
4B | James C | For working hard to improve himself and making great choices for his learning. James has worked very hard this week and is proving himself to be a great role model for others to follow. Keep up the fabulous work James. You are a star! |
4C | Luka C | For the effort and determination he has displayed with his writing. Luka conferenced with the teacher to discuss his ideas and then created a detailed plan to guide his text. He used the plan to begin writing his narrative and has been working hard to select specific verbs and adjectives in order to add detail to his text. Keep up the amazing work Luka! |
4D | ||
5A | Chase G | For making an incredible start to his Wembley journey! Congratulations Chase, you have settled in beautifully and it is wonderful to have you as a member of 5A! Looking forward to what lies ahead! |
5B | Evie C | For consistently displaying the Wembley SWPBS values both in the classroom and in the yard. Evie, you are a student that leads the way in demonstrating respect, resilience, empathy and inclusion. Keep up the fabulous work Evie, well done! |
5C | Austin M | For your excellent behaviour and attitude in class this week. I'm really proud of how you are trying to show your Wembley Values and be a mature and responsible student. Your creativity and sense of humour always amaze me but what has really impressed me this week is your commitment to your learning. Congratulations on an outstanding week! GG Bugsly! |
5D | Anne T | For being a persistent learner who always gives her best effort. It has been wonderful to see you taking on any challenge. Congratulations Anne! |
6A | Ella F | For your efforts in your presentation to the class this week! Ella, you spoke with confidence, and utilised our fluency techniques to the best of your ability. Keep up the great work! |
6B | Niamh K | For your ongoing support and dedication for your friends. Niamh, you have proven to be such a kind and caring friend, from helping others seek support or working through a learning task with them. We are lucky to have you in 6B. Keep showing inclusion and respect! |
6C | Sadie O | For showing a determined mindset and striving to complete all tasks to the best of her ability. In Maths this week, Sadie demonstrated great resilience when creating a side-by-side column graph using two different variables. Super effort! |
PA | Richie H | For your tireless effort to display all of the Wembley values. Richie, you are a fantastic role model to your peers through your respectful and inclusive ways, your kindness is infectious! What a star, well done! |
PB | Koki S | For being an amazing role model in our classroom and always showing the Wembley values. Koki, you should be very proud of how hard you work and the example you set for others. Keep it up! |
PC | Mishka G | For the incredible determination you are showing when sharing your alphabet knowledge. Mishka you have worked so hard to know all of your letters and sounds and I love the confidence you have when sharing them. You are amazing! |
PD | Aria D | For her fantastic attempts sounding out unfamiliar words this week. Aria, I have loved your independence and confidence in giving tricky words a try - keep it up superstar! |
PE | Rufus S | For always giving your best effort during independent reading, pointing to the words and getting your mouth ready for the first sound. You are a wonderful role model for your classmates! You are a Prep E superstar! |
1A | Manny C | For his increased confidence in completing tasks independently at his table and being comfortable with teachers checking his work and giving him positive feedback on how he is going. Keep up the great work Manny! |
1B | Harry R | For your fantastic focus and effort in everything you do. Harry, you are always smiling and you always try your best. Keep it up you superstar! |
1C | Frances A | For her amazing efforts in writing. Frances you are identifying correct vowels in words, editing your work beautifully and working so hard on your spelling. Keep up the fantastic work! What an absolute superstar! |
1D | Quinn H | For being a role model in our classroom and always showing the Wembley values. Quinn, you are a superstar! You always show your best listening and are doing wonderful work in math and writing. It is lovely having you in 1D, keep it up! |
2A | ||
2B | Ayla D | For always being so kind and caring towards her classmates, Ayla is so lovely to everyone and our classroom is a better place with Miss Peach in it! Well done Ayla, you’re doing so well at school. |
2C | Maisie P | For consistently trying her best in all areas of learning, and for always demonstrating the Wembley values. Maisie, you set such a great example to your peers! Keep up the fantastic work! |
2D | Emily I | For displaying outstanding effort and behaviour at school. Emily, you should be very proud of how hard you work and the example you set for your classmates. Keep it up, you’re a star! |
3A | Luna U | For always applying yourself to your learning and tackling your work with positivity. Luna, you are a superstar and you should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the fantastic work ! |
3B | Lewis Y | For applying his best efforts and respecting his learning space. Lewis, you should feel extremely proud of what you’re achieving. Keep it up legend! |
3C | Billy D | Billy, you are consistently challenging yourself to reach your full potential and have shown fantastic growth in your math and writing abilities. You are such a great role model to your peers and should be very proud of all your hard work. |
3D | Isla O | For the amazing detail and craft you used when writing your animal narrative. Your use of text patterning to emulate our mentor text “Bin Chicken Flies Again’ made it a great text to read. Well done! |
4A | Jasmine G | For your strong drive and work ethic in all learning areas, but especially in Maths. Jasmine, you are an independent and hard working student - It’s awesome to see. Keep it up! |
4B | Evelyn D | For her hard work and dedication to all her school work. Whether it's solving a tricky subtraction problem or using strong word choice in her writing, Evelyn puts in 100% effort. You are a fabulous role model in 4B Evelyn, and we are lucky to have you. Well done! |
4C | Riley H | For the incredible effort and hard work she has been demonstrating in maths. Riley applies herself to all activities in the classroom and has shown great determination with subtraction this week. She listens carefully during the mini-lesson and persists when trying to solve challenging sums. Keep up the amazing work Riley! |
4D | Anna L | For always applying herself to all tasks and for being an incredible support around the classroom. Anna, you are always full of smiles and show such positivity. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Congratulations superstar! |
5A | Zac Chen | For his amazing performance in our Social and Emotional Learning role plays! Amazing work Zac, it was wonderful to see you having fun and participating so enthusiastically in our learning. Keep it up! |
5B | Arlo C | For your fantastic implementation of the 6+1 traits of writing in your writing this term. Arlo, you have shown great determination and independence in writing, taking in mini lessons and applying skills in all of your pieces. You should be very proud of your efforts this year! Well done. |
5C | Madeleine H | For your incredible attitude towards your learning! You always come to school with a positive attitude and a big smile. When something is hard at first, you always have a positive mindset, which helps you overcome any challenge. Teaching students like you makes my job an absolute breeze! Congratulations Maddy, you rock! |
5D | Arjun S | For showing a high level of engagement in all learning areas. You are always motivated to contribute your ideas to class discussions, and have shown yourself to be a dedicated learner. Congratulations on an outstanding start to Term 2 Arjun! |
6A | Tess S | For your exceptional reading responses on our Patricia Polacco author study. Tess, you combined your prior knowledge and made strong connections between many texts. You set a high standard and lead by example in your work. Well done! |
6B | Eliott H | For your growth mindset and positive attitude towards your learning this week. We’ve introduced lots of new concepts, such as essay writing, measurement conversions and number patterns which you have all done to the best of your ability. Eliott, keep demonstrating positive classroom behaviours as an upstander for your peers! Well done, legend! |
6C | Thomas S | For his hard work and effort toward his Civics and Citizenship project. Thomas presented his thoughts and ideas clearly and in an extremely detailed manner, and showcased increased confidence when presenting. Well done Thomas! |
Kaspar - Freestyle BMX competition
Over the last two months Kas has been taking Freestyle BMX classes and has become very good. On request he wanted me to let you know, that he had his first competition and was fortunate to come first in the under 8’s category.
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.