First Steps Centre
Kinder Dates and Notifications:
Sat 18th May, 9:00-11:30 am - School & Kindergarten Open Day
We have had a busy week with some great peer learning happening in the sandpit as some of the children showed others how to make sand castles and build elevated roads. Indoors, there has been a lot of busy play in the home-corner bakery, and some great fine motor play using threading beads and light table resources. We have been finishing off special gifts for our mums for Mother's Day, and it was wonderful to do some real shopping at the Mother's Day stall. Sharing some of our favourite action songs was an absolute highlight during our Mother's and Special Person's concert.
This week, the Marram group have been making autumn leaves with dye and colour diffusing paper. They have enjoyed building with Lego with an increasing amount of concentration and creativity.
The four-year-old groups have been busy preparing for Mother’s Day. During each of the Mothers and Special Persons concerts, the children performed beautifully, displaying confidence and resilience. A highlight of the week has been a visit to the Mother's Day stall to purchase a special gift.
During the Mandarin sessions, the four-year-old groups have been learning the names of fruit and this week made banana cupcakes with Cristina.
The Kindergarten team!