Office Info
Office Hours
Please note our office hours are 8.30 am until 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.
Change of Details
If any of your details (address/phone number) have changed could you please notify the office via telephone - 5822 1834;
email -, or by coming into the Office.
School Day
8.55 am - School starts.
10.00 am - Fruit Break
11.00 am - Lunch Play
11.30 am - Lunch Eat
1.45 pm - Recess
2.05 pm - Recess Eat
3.25 pm - School finishes
Sickness at School
Children with serious colds, flus or other debilitating illnesses should always be kept home.
- A Fever - a child with a fever of more than 38 degrees must be kept at home.
- Been prescribed antibiotics - a child who has been prescribed an antibiotic for an acute illness should be kept home for at least 24 hours.
- Diarrhoea - a child who has a watery stool should not return until he/she has been free of the diarrhoea for at least 24 hours.
- Vomiting - a child who is vomiting should be kept home until at least 24 hours after the vomiting has stopped.
Lunch Orders
Eastwood Orchard has now moved to the Qkr! by Mastercard app for all lunch orders.
- Download the app in your app store (or via their website).
- Create your student profiles.
- Add your payment details.
- Order & pay.
Lunch orders are open to ordering from the start of the week and close Wednesday at 8 am. No late orders accepted.
Please find below the instruction guide on how to download the app and register.
Alpha Show - Cinderella
2024 Australian Early Development
Kindergarten Enrolments
Crazy Clothes Day
The Term 2 EXPO is a celebration of the History and Geography work done in all classes F-6 this semester. We invite parents, families and significant adults to join the celebration and take a look at what students have created as evidence of their learning. Each class will have displays so come along, ask questions and congratulate our students on a job well done. The EXPO is on Friday 14th June in Week 9 and will follow the morning assembly. Hoping to see you there.
Introduction to ASD Coaches Workshop
2025 Mission
Berry Street Foster Carer
Circle of Security - Parenting Group Program
Notre Dame Music Programme
Thrive 4 Life
Attendance Matters