Music Notes
Concert Dates for your Diary!
Winter Choral Concert: Friday 14 June 7:00pm in the Box Hill Town Hall, Whitehorse Rd Box Hill.
This concert will feature our dedicated and high-quality choirs performing in a delightful venue. With around 280 Middle and Senior School students involved, it will be a special evening of typical Huntingtower first-class performances, and a night not to be missed.
Winter Instrumental Concert: Wednesday 19 June 7:00pm in the Huntingtower PAC.
Featuring all our instrumental ensembles in a dazzling display of musicianship from our concert bands, big band, percussion ensemble, guitar ensemble and multiple
orchestras. Included are three special solo performances from three of our Year 12 students each performing a movement from concertos with our Huntingtower Symphony Orchestra.
Mr David Mowat
Head of Music
Classroom Music
Year 8 students performed for Prep students last week during their music class. Wonderful work by our Year 8 students, and great listening from our Prep students!
Ms Kayla Sims
Music Teacher