Vice Principal 

& Wellbeing

Mrs Naomi Corfield

What a wonderful first week back of term 2! There was a calm and positive vibe throughout the school all week and it was wonderful to catch up with the students and hear about their Easter, camping adventures, chilled time at home, and of course, the Easter Bunny! Everyone looks refreshed and ready to get stuck into some exciting learning this term. We have a lot planned, so make sure you check the dates and keep up with announcements and Operoo notices.


Our community working bee was a wonderful success. I would like to make special mention of our exceptional year 6 leaders who assisted Chef Matt with preparing lunch for all the volunteers. As a thank you to the year 6 class for being so adaptable in the hall, they were all fortunate to enjoy a homemade burger and special drink. 


It was so lovely to see everyone dressed in their full school uniform, hair tidy and big beautiful smiles for the school photos. I would like to encourage all our students to present themselves as though every school day is photo day! We are all so proud to be part of the St Mary’s community and wearing our uniform with pride is a way to reflect this. Uniforms provide a sense of unity and allow all children to feel as though they belong.


As I walked around our school on Friday, it was humbling to see all the parents, grandparents and siblings who were part of our Family Fun activity. Each class played a game that encouraged collaboration, teamwork and communication. To see the smiles and hear the giggles coming from all the learning communities was really lovely.


Problem Solved 

We are continuously reminding students to use their Problem Solved to assist them with conflict, support them with challenges and encourage them to be independent solution finders. We refer to our Problem Solved graphic on a regular basis and encourage you to refer to it at home when your child might be up against a challenge. Your child's teacher should always be the first point of contact if you have any concerns. From there, you can always find a member of the leadership team if you need to. Together, we work as a team to support your whole child; their social, emotional and educational development.