Year 4 Urban Gardening

Gardening is a lot of fun because you get to smash compost, dig for potatoes and pick tomatoes. We get to appreciate nature, mulch the soil, plant seedlings and shred used classroom paper. That's why we think gardening is the best.
Written by The Gardening Gods: Alice, Anika, Boston, Harvey, James and Sonia.
Gardening is one of the best ways we relax from all our class work. We think you should do it too. Our reasons are, if you're stressed it's an amazing way to calm down, you can grow vegetables, you can either sell the veggies or eat them yourself or do both.
The way gardening works in our school is you only get to do it in Year 4 and you are put into groups at the start of the year, it's sooooo much fun. It's a great way to spend your day and we hope you can find a way to spend some time gardening too!
This term we had a market sale and we sold lots of plants, potatoes and lemons. All of the potatoes that we grew were sold out at the end of the day and we made $100. With the money we made we're going to buy a second-hand paper shredder. We put all the shredded paper in the compost because compost needs carbon.
During our Year 4 gardening session we plant, water, weed, mulch, smash crops for the compost bin and shred paper: satisfying!
Gardening is the highlight of every Year 4's week. We shred scrap paper from the classrooms and put it in our compost bins. We put mulch on the garden beds to stop weeds growing. We grow vegetables, fruits and herbs and sell our produce at a market stall at school each term. We collect compost from all of the classrooms, wash the compost buckets and return them back to the each classroom.
Gardening is a fun experience for all. We have fun groups with our friends and different activities every Wednesday such as composting, mulching, shredding, planting and watering. Everyone looks forward to gardening, we learn lots of fun things every week. Everyone has super fun at gardening! We plant good fruits and delicious veggies and we have markets to make money for the garden.
Written by The Mango Tangos: Chloe, Ingrid, Jessie, Milla and Willow.