From the Chaplain

On Monday we had a Secondary School chapel service with the theme of ‘prayer.’  I spoke about how God always promises to hear our prayer, but he may not answer it in the way we think he ought to.  


We read the bible verse:

‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 4:6-7.


This encourages us not give up.  Don’t just pray once and say, ‘Well that didn’t work.’  Keep praying and remember to thank God when your prayers are answered.  This verse also tells us that when we pray, we can feel God’s peace.  Peace that will be so great, that it will be hard for us to comprehend.


Our Baudin House Captains did a great job of writing reflections about prayer and sharing these with us all.  Here are some of their words:

‘’Prayer is important as it brings peace, and clarity to those who pray and that is why it is special to so many people…Prayer isn’t just about telling God what you want for Christmas or what you wish you could have. Prayer is also about giving thanks to God and those who have served you, like you do when you say grace.’’  Evie Woodall.


'You know your inner monologue? It’s like that, but instead of talking to yourself, your consciousness, you’re talking to a friend. A friend who, through prayer, you can share things with, find solace in, and always rely on to be there. You know that through this friend, you can find support and comfort, and while they might not always work miracles, you know that after just talking to them, no matter what happens, there’s always a reason behind it. A quote straight from my mum, “it’s like Snapchat, but without the phone. You just have a direct line, that’s always open to someone that’s always listening”. Sam Jeffery.


Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain