Lindy Burke

It sure has been another big week here at Echuca East!


Wednesday’s Mini Cross-Country was an absolutely amazing day, filled with determination, perseverance, and incredible displays of sportsmanship from our Prep to Grade 2 students. Witnessing each and every one of them give their best effort and complete the course was truly heart warming.  The atmosphere was electric, with cheers and encouragement echoing throughout. It was a true testament to the supportive and inclusive community we have here at Echuca East. We couldn't be prouder of our students for their hard work and dedication.

I would also like to extend a big thank you to our school leaders for their invaluable help and support in guiding our younger students throughout the event. Their mentorship and encouragement truly made a difference in the experience for everyone involved.  Once again, thank you to all who participated and contributed to making our Mini Cross-country event a resounding success. Another great event from Mr Holmfield! Congratulations to Hovell House for taking out the 2024 Cross Country trophy!


Grades 3-6 Cross Country Images 


I am thrilled to share the highlights from our recent Prep Information Session held on Wednesday night. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase what we have to offer here at Echuca East Primary School to all prospective parents.

The evening kicked off with student-led tours, and we couldn't be prouder of Ruby, Ryder, Stella, and Patrick for their outstanding efforts in guiding families around our school. Their passion and insights truly demonstrated what makes Echuca East great, and we've received lovely feedback from families about their exceptional leadership and communication skills.

For those who couldn't attend but are interested in learning more about our school and what we have to offer, we encourage you to reach out. We're more than happy to arrange a personalized tour to give you a first-hand experience of our vibrant community and educational programs.

If you know of anyone with a child looking to start school next year, please pass along our contact information. We'd love to connect with them and provide more information about how Echuca East can be the perfect fit for their child's educational journey.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Prep Information Session, and we look forward to welcoming new members to our “Eastie” family!


Next week will be another busy week, with our Author incursion with Michael Wagner  on Monday, our Little Easties are back on Tuesday for their very first PE session with Mr Holmfield, our whole school Mother’s Day celebrations on Thursday afternoon and finally Friday is National Walk to School Day! 

Remember to keep up to date with what is happening each and every day, continue to check our SENTRAL parent portal, Facebook and the Newsletters. We don’t want anyone to miss out!


Wishing you all a great weekend!