Year Level News

Including Specialists Subjects

Prep News

On Monday 21st of August, our prep students strolled over to Newport Lakes Reserve to meet with Ranger Andrew from the Hobsons Bay City Council. During our tour of the lakes we were able to learn about the history of our surrounding landscape and the ways it may have been used by the Yalukit Willam people.


Students enjoyed crossing the stepping stones with only a couple of casualties as Mitch’s clipboard wanted to go for a swim and a hat flew off to soar in the wind! We had a great time on our local excursion which was connected to our big question ‘how are we connected to people and places?’


Book Week Celebrations

Here is a snapshot of what was a very busy week at Newport Lakes Primary School!


Book Fair returned for 2023 and there was excitement in the air as the Book Fair cabinets arrived and the Library was opened on Tuesday morning for sales. Students and families keenly browsed and purchased books and other merchandise. The Book Fair is not only an excellent revenue-raiser for the school, and this year has been no exception, but it also adds to the atmosphere of a fabulous week. A massive thank you to the parents and guardians who volunteered to assist and thank you so much to Robyn Grayson who was there each day to supervise. It could not have been run without each and every one of you. Thanks to our amazing community, the book fair took approximately $5,500 in sales creating over $1000 in fundraising that will now go towards replenishing the Library recourses.


In the week leading up to Book Week many students could be overheard discussing what they were going to wear to the parade. We were lucky with the weather and a crowd of spectators joined as many Harry Potter look-a-likes and Dr. Seuss Thing 1s and Thing 2s walked around the oval. Drama teacher Michelle Sullivan alongside her judging assistants put on a spectacular miming display. There were homemade creative outfits, and it was obvious that parents/guardians and their children worked hard to get great results. Thank you to the parents, students and staff for helping to make it such a happy and successful school community event. 


Year 3 News

Book Week

Last week, the Grade 3s brought in their favourite picture story books and read them aloud to the class.

On Thursday, we watched the movie adaptation of our class novel, Mr Stink.

Marc McBride, illustrator of the Deltora Quest series visited us to run a workshop. In the session, he created an amazing dragon using an airbrush and food colouring.


Year 4 News

Author Visit

On the 24th of August we had an author visit. Her name was Sophie Laguna. She has written several books, My Yellow BlankieThe Glow and The Grace series, plus a few more. First all the Year 4 students gathered in the MPR. Sophie talked to us about how she became a author. She then read us a few samples of some of her books. We asked her some questions about her experience and the writing process. We really enjoyed this experience. We hope she visits again!

By Nina, Milly, and Zayana

Book Week

On Wednesday the 23rd of August, NLPS experienced Book Week. Students of all grades participated and dressed up in their favourite novels, graphic novels, picture story books, or fiction book characters. There were masks, capes, and even inflatables. We had a parade party on the footy pitch. NLPS got to see many year levels dress up. We even got to see some book groups including: The Dora group, The Mime group and the Little Seeds.

By Eva, Zara and Baker

Robogals Incursion

On Wednesday the 23rd of August the Year 4 had an incursion with RoboGals, two girls from Melbourne University volunteered to come teach us to code Lego Mindstorms (Lego robots). They gave us a number of challenges to complete, once we had completed the challenges, we had our bonus challenge, the sumo smackdown. The challenges were held in Ann-Maree’s room and all the classes participated in the fun. The first challenge was programming the robots to go forwards for 1.5 seconds, turn 90 degrees then reverse for 1 second. The second challenge was to move in a square only using 3 coding blocks. Our last thing to do was if we had extra time, the sumo smackdown. It was so much fun!

By Phoebe & Sophie 

Year 5 News

Year 6 Graduation Wear

2024 Year 6 Graduation Wear is now open for ordering on CompassTIx.

Samples sizes will be available to try on at the front office in the coming days, we will let you know once this is available. Final artwork design & polo material are still to be confirmed, however we need to start the process to ensure we meet the required production schedule. 

Year 5/6 News

For Maths this week the 5/6 Students have been exploring Chance. After playing a few different games and analysing the data, students have created and played their own Chance games.

Building Community Connections

As a school we are always looking for opportunities to engage with the community and build connections for our students. We are very fortunate to have been invited to build an ongoing relationship with ‘Calvary Trugo Place’ (120 Mason Street Newport), our local Aged Care Home. 


Two groups of Year 5/6 students have been visiting the home fortnightly. By participating in this initiative, students have been giving back to our local community, which aligns beautifully with our school values; to develop students who are critical thinkers, resilient, responsible, respectful, and compassionate. Research states that performing acts of kindness improves mental health and increases social connection too; ultimately assisting in building our student’s confidence and self-worth.


Samantha Meddis

Wellbeing Teacher


Student Reflection

Hello, I’m Jack, one of the few students who went to Calvary Trugo Place nursing home and got to meet some people there.

At first, we all gathered in Sam’s office and had our lunch while Sam talked us through what was going to happen when we got there. Later, we left school and began our walk to the nursing home. When we got there, we were greeted by some of the staff. Sam split us into two groups and sent us where we needed to go, I was in the group who got to make special drinks and talk to some of the elderly people. Now I will tell you more about it.

We walked over to them, and they greeted us with warm smiles, the staff offered us a drink and we said” yes!” I ordered a lime spider and my fellow companions ordered two caramel sundaes and one lemonade spider. After we got our drinks, we walked over to the people there. I heard one or two interesting stories, and answered question after question after question, about what sports I play, where I go to school, what year level I’m in, etc. We chilled there for a bit chatting away. Sam came and got us, then we went upstairs to get the other students who were knitting. I heard they had a lot of fun and I can’t wait to have a goat knitting next time.

By Jack A 5/6J


PE/Sports News

A group of 24 students in Year 4 to 6 have been selected to represent NLPS at next week's Hobsons Bay & Wyndham Divisional Athletics Finals. Selection for the team was based on the students results at the recent District Athletics. We wish you all the best and cant wait to hear how you went!