Whole School News

Have your circumstances changed in 2023?

At Newport Lakes Primary School, we understand that over the course of the school year some family circumstances may have changed.


In preparation for the 2024 Parent Payment Arrangements and Course Confirmation being uploaded to Compass in Term 4, it is a Department of Education requirement that families notify the School if your living arrangements have changed. Forms to create separate household accounts are available upon request from the office or you can email the school.


Once our records have been updated, each household will then be entered separate on our system. Families in Household B will then receive their own unique Compass login to manage absences, receive news and notifications from the School, approve and pay for events, pay student fees and charges etc.


Split Billing

You can also organise to have your payments split between households by completing the Split Billing Form available by request from the office or you can email the school.


The split billing arrangement must be set up by 30th October 2023, which is prior to any invoices being created for 2024 payments. Any split billing arrangement will be automatically allocated by the system whenever the applicable student is selected. 


The parents will become separately responsible for the entire balance of any outstanding fees and charges at the percentage chosen.


If you have any further questions, please contact the front office. 


Lost Property & A Big Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to the parent volunteers, especially Nicole who this week have come in and cleaned, sorted, washed & dried the mammoth pile of lost property this week. We are very very appreciative. All items that were clearly labelled have been returned to the students via their classrooms today. 


Given the high volume of lost property, this is becoming more unsustainable in terms of adequate storage, time it takes to return to students and the availability of volunteers to keep up with the demand. We need your help please! 

We understands that kids will always be kids and losing things is just what happens while mornings and afternoons are a rush for many, however we would be very grateful if: 

  • you could clearly label uniform, containers & bottles (especially 2nd hand uniform items with old names)
  • ask your children to check, help them check or come in and check yourself regularly 


 OK2BEME Day - Wednesday 4th October

We are so excited to announce the date of our annual OK2BEME Day - Wednesday 4th October, which will be in week one of term four. We have celebrated this day for the last three years, with its focus being celebrating differences and inclusivity within our school community. We are lucky to be part of a community that is so rich in diversity. It is a biological fact we are diverse in our brains, just like we are diverse in our gender, sexuality and ethnicity etc. Everybody has the right to be proud of who they are.

Please note: OK2BEME Day is also a free dress day where students are invited to wear a colour/colours of the rainbow that represents themselves, family and/or culture.

Via https://www.vic.gov.au/schools-diversity-equity-guidance Equity is a state of fairness in which all children and young people can participate freely and equally in areas of life, regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs. This means their safety is not dependent on their socio-economic, family or personal circumstances. Children and young people have unique abilities, skills and life experiences. Differences in backgrounds, personality and beliefs shape a child’s experiences and needs. Their individual identity and sense of self can be fundamental to their wellbeing.

Children have better opportunities to fulfil their potential when diversity is valued. Negative experiences like exclusion and discrimination can be harmful. They increase the risk of harm and abuse to a child and decrease the likelihood of them telling someone and receiving an effective response. 


It’s not always easy being different. We aim to ensure that ‘different’ is seen as just different, neither inherently good or bad! We want to feel proud to be part of a community that supports and celebrates all its members, not just some. Our aim is to show all kids that they are welcome and can feel safe, whomever they are, and that everyone’s uniqueness is valued and important.


You might like to take a look at the video below that was created for OK2BEME Day in 2021: Inclusion at NLPS video 


Additionally, please find a link to the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum, which forms a big part of our Health curriculum at every year level here: RRRR Curriculum 


The theme for this year’s OK2BEME Day is body positivity. Different sessions will be taking place for different year levels on this day, focusing on this theme; the day will conclude with a whole school assembly where we will be collaborating to sing our brand new NLPS Values Song. 


Social stories will be made available for all children in preparation for the day; these will also be made available to families.


Further information about the incursions taking place for different year levels will follow in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!  Year 5/6 families only will be required to provide consent for their incursions. 

OK2BEME Parent Session & Morning Tea

As part of our school’s commitment to inclusion and celebrating differences, including around backgrounds, brains and bodies, our OK2BEME Day is happening in Week 1 of Term 4.  As part of the week, we are hosting a special event for parents. The focus is for parents who have neurodivergent (and suspected neurodivergent) children, however, anyone who is interested in learning more about neurodiversity is welcome to attend. The event will be a mix of an information session, provided by Chrissie Davies, and a social opportunity to meet and connect with other parents of neurodivergent children over morning tea.  Chrissie presented our well attended after hours parent information session last term ‘What do you see when you look at me?’ and will be speaking on other, related topics around parenting children that are neurodivergent. As a school we hope that by building the connections within our community it will help to improve wellbeing for all, so that our children can experience true inclusion which honours and respects the richness of neurodiversity. 

  • WHEN: Friday, October 6th 9:00-10:45am
  • WHERE: Multipurpose Room, NLPS

Bookings essential for catering purposes on CompassTixhttps://compasstix.com/e/x4m8twn1ob

'Growing Up Online' - Parent Session .

NLPS invites parents to an educational and empowering session about the benefits of growing up online, and what parents and carers need to be aware of. 

The session will be covering topics such as:

  • reality & risk
  • online grooming
  • cyberbullying
  • sharing nudes
  • problematic gaming
  • exposure to damaging content
  • and top tip
  • question time

Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in the area of Cybersafety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving Cybersafety & young people. Susan took her first report of cyberbullying in 1994 and since then has conducted extensive research and has completed advanced training and tertiary studies in both the USA and UK. She has authored resources for the Victorian Dept. of Education & Training, writes and reviews school policies, provides crisis management/advice to schools and to national and international companies. Susan is the most highly qualified & experienced presenter in Australia and is internationally renowned. 

  • When  -  Monday 30th October  -  7pm to 8pm
  • Where  -  NLPS Multi Purpose Room
  • Bookings essential via CompassTix  -  https://compasstix.com/e/ocgvm3hojn  
  • This is an adult only session - no child minding is available

Visual Arts News

2023 Art Show

The Art Show Opening Day will be held on Wednesday 8th November 8am to 9am with a gold coin donation required. 

Come and visit the exhibition in the NLPS Gym daily from 8am - 9am and 3:30pm - 4:30pm on Wednesday 8th November through to Friday 10th November. 


Term 3 Lunchtime Clubs