School Notices

Breakfast Club

We will hold our last Breakfast Club in Week 9, on Wednesday 13 September. A big thank you goes to Bruce Hoar from Make a Difference WA for their support in providing this service within our school.


To Eva, Rikki and Barbara who have volunteered their time to organise and run Breakfast Club we thank you!


St Helena's will continue to support families in our community when the need arises.


Jumps & Throws Day 2023

We are still looking for volunteers to assist on our Jumps & Throws. If you can help please complete the form here.


R U OK? Day

On Thursday 14 September students are invited to wear yellow accessories to school for R U OK? Day. This could be yellow hair ties, socks, ribbons, hats, bow ties, scarves, beanies or shoes.


Faction Carnival 

The Faction Carnival will be held on Friday 15 September for our Pre-Primary to Year 6 students and we look forward to our students participating on the day.


For Parents and Caregivers that wish to attend there will be parking available on the oval accessible via Bronzewing Avenue. The P&F have arranged for a coffee van and ice cream for the day.


The timetable of events can be found here.


Please note that the canteen will not be open on this day.


Planning for 2024

As we near the end of Term 3, if your child/ren will not be returning to St Helena's in 2023, could you please advise the school via email to by the end of this term. 


School Uniform

Due to the current economic climate with increases to raw materials, production and transport this has had a direct affect on the cost of our school uniforms.


Lowes continues to explore alternative production methods to offer cost-saving solutions however, there will be a price increase which will come into effect in late October.


Please find the updated price list on our uniform page for your information.


Discovery Kids - Vacation Care

With the school holidays not too far away please find information for Discovery Kids Vacation Care program here.


School Carpark

The carpark gate opens at 2:00pm daily and we ask that parents who are parking to collect their children to please use the bays with white lines.


To alleviate congestion through the carpark and surrounding streets we ask parents to not arrive in the Kiss and Ride before 2:30pm as this prevents Pre-Kindy and Kindy parents who need to park to collect their children from being able to access vacate parking spots. You may be asked to move out of the Kiss and Ride if you arrive before this time.


When exiting the carpark at drop off and pick up time please turn left only so that the flow of traffic is not interrupted.