Religious Education & Faith Life

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Did you know our school motto- “Something Beautiful For God” came from St Teresa of Calcutta. Also known as Mother Teresa, she was very special lady who helped people and showed them love and kindness. Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910, in Albania.


She grew up to be a kind and caring person who wanted to make the world a better place for everyone. When she was a young lady, she decided to become a nun and travelled to India where started a group called the Missionaries of Charity. The Missionaries of Charity took care of sick and poor people who had no one else to help them.


One of the special things Mother Teresa did was to make sure that everyone she met felt loved. She believed that even the smallest acts of kindness could make a big difference. She would visit people in the slums and hug the sick children. She also opened homes for people who were dying and made sure they were not alone.


Mother Teresa worked very hard her whole life, helping people in need. Her kindness and love inspired people all around the world. She won awards and medals, but she said that the real reward was knowing she had made people's lives better.


In 2016 Mother Teresa became a saint because of all the wonderful things she did for others. People still remember her today as a symbol of love and caring for everyone, no matter where they come from or who they are.


Saint Teresa of Calcutta showed us that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world. She reminds us to be kind and help others whenever we can and to always do, “Something Beautiful For God.” 


Yesterday was Saint Teresa of Calcutta's Feast Day - 5 September.