Early Childhood News

Book Week 2023! 


Our littlest learners had a fantastic Book Week! From dressing up as their favourite character, to reading with a special teddy and listening to stories outside we celebrated all things books! 


In our children we want to develop a lifelong love of books and learning. 

Here are five tips to help you make reading enjoyable for kids:


Choose Engaging Books:

Select books with colourful illustrations, interesting characters, and engaging stories that capture your child's imagination. Books with interactive elements like flaps, textures, or sound effects can also add to the fun.


Make it Interactive:

Encourage your child to participate in the reading experience. Ask them questions about the story, characters, and pictures. Let them predict what might happen next or use different voices for characters to make the story more exciting.


Set a Reading Routine:

Establish a regular reading time, such as bedtime or before naptime, to create a comforting and predictable reading ritual. Consistency helps children look forward to reading as part of their daily routine.


Visit the Library:

Take your child to the public library and let them explore and choose books they're interested in. Library trips can be exciting adventures, and it exposes them to a wide variety of books they might not have at home. The public library also has some great afterschool and school holiday programs that are free to access! https://www.swan.wa.gov.au/Your-Services/Libraries/Library-programs-events/Kids-Family/Kids-library-events


Act Out the Story:

Bring the story to life by acting it out with your child. Use props or puppets to act as characters, and encourage your child to join in. This helps them connect with the story on a deeper level and makes reading a fun experience.


Reading together often creates special memories and bonding time with your child. Some days they might want to read the same book repeatedly, and that's okay. The most important thing is to create a positive and enjoyable reading environment that fosters you child’s love for books and learning.