e-Learning News 

Spotlight: Year 1/2 Community Groups 

Focus: Mapping out Beebots 


This week the students in Year 1/2 had their final sessions working with the Beebots. In this session, the students put their hard work to the test, by demonstrating their knowledge of directional language, sequencing and most importantly, their storytelling skills! 


The fairy tale in focus for this week was Little Red Riding Hood. A story that the students knew so well! 


It was great to see my group so enthusiastic and wanting to have a turn at playing with the Beebots! Check out the pictures below! 


Leo - "It has been great fun, we get the Beebots to move and to a destination."

Greta - "Sometimes it was tricky, we got it wrong the first time but then we kept trying and it was a success."

Banjo - Its been really fun playing and controlling the Beetbots while learning sequencing"

Leni - "I liked the sessions because we got to play with the Beebots!"

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence 


In other news, on the 18th August it was National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. In light of this, Years 3-6 have been looking at the following areas in their digital tech and wellbeing sessions: 

  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Strength
  • Empathy

Stefanie Poropat 

e-Learning Leader