Wellbeing at TPS

Supporting Children with Anxiety

Hi Families, 


In today's fast-paced world, understanding and addressing children's emotional wellbeing is more important than ever! Anxiety is a common emotional experience that many children face, and as a caring community, we are committed to providing the support and resources needed to help our young learners thrive.


What is childhood anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, change, or uncertainty. For children, it can manifest as worries, fears, or nervousness about various aspects of life, such as school, social interactions, or personal challenges. While occasional anxiety is a normal part of growing up, persistent or intense anxiety may impact a child's overall wellbeing and ability to engage in daily activities.


Signs and Symptoms

Recognising the signs of anxiety in children can empower us to provide timely support. Some common signs include:

- Excessive worries or fears about specific situations or activities.

- Physical symptoms like stomach aches, headaches, or trouble sleeping.

- Avoidance of certain places, people, or activities.

- Difficulty concentrating or participating in class.

- Changes in behaviour, mood, or social interactions.


Supporting Children with Anxiety

Our staff are dedicated to helping children manage their anxiety and build resilience. Here are a few ways we support our students:

- Creating a structured and predictable classroom routine to reduce uncertainty.

- Teaching coping skills such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and positive self-talk.

- Encouraging open discussions about feelings and emotions.

- Providing access to wellbeing support or advice on external supports available


Collaboration with Families

Supporting children with anxiety is a team effort. We encourage parents and caregivers to maintain open lines of communication with teachers and staff. At home, we encourage families to work towards building emotional intelligence in their children. Emotional intelligence is an essential life skill. By helping children understand and manage their emotions, we empower them to navigate challenges with confidence. Through classroom discussions, activities, and age-appropriate resources, we aim to enhance their emotional literacy.


If you have any questions about supporting your child, please feel free to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or myself.


Speak soon!


Further Resources and Links

Raising Children Network

Black Dog Institute