School News

Mr Irwin's Message


Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter,


A reminder to families that the Parent and Caregiver survey is open for families to complete. You will have received an email after the most recent school newsletter with details on how to participate in this survey. We welcome feedback from this survey and it does influence decisions we make across the school.

Classroom News Revamped!

Please make sure you take the time this week to look at our new classroom news page. We have tweaked the content going on this page to provide more information about the specific class foci occurring in Literacy and Numeracy along with some practical ‘at home’ strategies. We have also included what future topic areas will occur in Literacy and Numeracy to keep you abreast of what students are learning in class. Of course, if you don’t take the few moments to view this page, you’ll still be none the wiser as to what is taking place in class, so pour a cup of coffee, a cup of tea or even something a little stronger and have a read of what’s going on in class at Teesdale!

Term 4 Curriculum Days

At our last School Council Meeting, Council approved the following Pupil Free Days for Term 4 and the beginning of the 2024 School Year.


Monday November 6th, which coincides with Tuesday November 7th being our Public Holiday for the Melbourne Cup. 


Looking ahead to 2024, students in years 1-6 will return to school on Wednesday January 31st. Foundation students will start on Thursday February 1st. January 29th and 30th will be Pupil Free Days in which teachers will plan and prepare for the upcoming school year.

2024 Intentions

On the subject of the 2024 school year, I have already commenced workforce planning for next year. Each year we receive funding to manage school staffing per the number of students enrolled. If you know or expect that you won’t be attending Teesdale Primary School next year if you are able to make contact with the office as soon as possible so our enrolment projections for next year are as accurate as possible that would be greatly appreciated. 


Bye for now, have a great week!


Geelong Football Club Healthy Heros Visit

Today students in years 3 and 4 received a visit from Geelong Football Club players and ambassadors from the Healthy Heros Program. GMHBA Healthy Heroes focuses on positive behaviour change across the key areas of physical activity, healthy eating, hydration, screen time, sleep and mental health and wellbeing with a suite of programs covering Foundation to Grade 6. Thank you to Emma, Toby, James and Sam for visiting our school. 

Lost Property

Staff have received a number or enquiries from parents looking for lost jumpers. Lost property tubs can be found in the classroom buildings. Families are welcome to check the lost property tubs before or after school. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled and encourage/remind students to put their jumper in their bag when not in use. If your child has accidently picked up the wrong jumper, please return to the office or the classroom so it can find its owner. Thank you for your cooperation. 

OSH News

Healthy Lunch Box Choices and Nude Food

Please help reduce waste in our school by packing 'Nude Food' (food without excess packaging) and whole foods or unprocessed foods in your child's lunch box.  Click here for further resources and 'Healthy Lunch Box' suggestions or to download the Pick and Mix poster for the fridge!