Arts News 

Radio Active

Congratulations to our Years Eleven and Year Twelve VET Music students who performed at Albany Entertainment Centre on Friday 24 August. It is a highlight on our calendar to see them perform with WAAPA. The Year Twelves wowed us with their performances 'Weird Fishes' by Radiohead and 'School Boy Crush' by AWB. The Year Elevens performed 'Teacher’s Pet' from the musical School of Rock, 'Hazy Shade of Winter' by Gerard Way, 'Englishman in New York' by Sting, and had us nearly out of our seats with 'She’ll be Dancing' by Bee Gees.

Bell Shakespeare

"Gathering at Albany Entertainment Centre on Sunday 27 September, the Year Ten and Eleven Drama classes got to experience Bell Shakespeare's production of 'Twelfth Night' written by non-other than William Shakespeare himself. They took this play in a unique direction and portrayed it wonderfully, from the lights to the sounds to the blocking, all of it working together to pull off this magnificent production. I would see it again for sure and I know others that went would agree. Overall, it was a delightful experience and I would recommend keeping an eye out for other Bell Shakespeare productions in the future."

Lily Quick (Year Eleven)

Arts Exhibition: Great Southern Perspectives

We are excited to be preparing for our Arts Exhibition this year showcasing work from Years Nine to Twelve. This will be in the Annette Knight Centre from 3.00pm to 5.00pm, Sunday, 10 September. Refreshments and canapes will be available. We look forward to celebrating the creativity of our students with you. There will be artwork on display, media films, and at 3.30pm the Year Eleven Drama students will present their original play: Carer’s of Everything: A Dream Of Red Moort. This play is inspired by Dr Noel Nannup’s story, and by Aunty Carol Pettersen's stories she told us on camp. Year Ten students will also present their YOHFest performance.


Ms Rachel Mordy | Head of the Arts