Name: Monica Wieland
Class: 6MW
Why did you want to become a teacher?
When I was a teenager, I coached gymnastics and I really liked helping the kids and teaching them new things. So, when it came time to choose a vocation it was ‘teaching’.
How long have you been at Chilwell Primary School for?
I have been here since 1994.
Are you Part time or Full time?
Full time.
What is your favourite thing about working at Chilwell?
We have a fabulous staff who are incredibly supportive, passionate and fun, we have great students who are keen to learn and always try their best and our parents are interested and supportive.
If you could describe Chilwell in 3 words, what would they be?
Unique, supportive and complete
What legacy do you hope to leave with the children you teach?
A love of learning, the ability to ‘think outside the box’ and to choose kind.
If you had all the parents of your current students in the room with you, what would you like to say to them about their child's time with you?
That I’m excited to teach them and help them to achieve to their potential as learners and citizens.
How do you measure success in terms of your teaching / your time with the students?
Effort, ability to take on board feedback and enjoyment.
Is there something about you that your students would be surprised to know? (Hidden talent? a previous job?)
I can still do a cartwheel and a handstand.
Name: Amber Lovejoy
Role: Admin
Why did you want to work in a school?
I enjoy supporting students and watching them grow and develop through their primary school years.
How long have you been at Chilwell Primary School for?
Nearly 4 years.
Are you Part time or Full time?
Full Time
What is your favourite thing about working at Chilwell?
Being part of the wonderful, supportive school community.
If you could describe Chilwell in 3 words, what would they be?
Inspiring, supportive and fun.
How would you describe the students and staff that you would interact with daily at Chilwell?
Students and staff are respectful, positive, hard-working and resilient.
If you had all the parents of current students in the room with you, what would you like to say to them about their child's time at Chilwell?
Every child is an individual with different talents and passions. Chilwell staff work hard to support and guide your child to discover these, and be the best version of themselves that they can be.
Is there something about you that students/ families would be surprised to know? (Hidden talent? a previous job?)
I always wished that I had learnt to sing when I was younger.