Hot Dog / Footy Day


Dear Parents and Carers...

Who doesn’t love a good day at the footy? Well now we can even show love to our footy team at school by wearing your footy team’s colours. In addition, the Fundraising Committee will be organising a Hotdog Lunch. 


Orders will come with a hotdog, a choice of drink and a chocolate chip cookie at a cost of $7.00. Orders must be placed by Friday the 1st of September. No late orders will be accepted. So put Footy Day in your calendar 

for Friday the 8th of September.


The Year 6 Fundraising Committee.







Vocal Recording


On Friday 18th August all students took part in our Vocal Recording Day. Students sang their concert songs, got to have their voices recorded by Greg from Total Events. Everyone did an amazing job. Well Done! To all students who sang so beautifully on the day. 

Meegan Baker

Performing Arts Teacher


Year 5's Animal Adaptations...


Students in Year 5 have been focusing their inquiry around Animal Adaptations and how these unique skills have not only evolved but enabled them to survive for thousands of years. After collating specific information on a chosen animal, they were required to carefully plan and create an information report in the format of a poster. The reports included some of the adaptation types (behavioural, physiological and structural), characteristics of their animal as well as other interesting facts. Students took their learning further by adding detailed illustrations, labels and eye-catching sub-topics.


Please enjoy some of the brilliant learning that’s been happening in Year 5 over the past few weeks...




District Athletics...  

Last week Chilwell competed in Districts Athletics against 6 other schools. We had tough competitors, but Chilwell pulled through with lots moving on to the next round. Overall everyone had a great day with loads of cheering and encouragement. 


We would like to thank Mr C, Peter and Mrs Parsons for making the day happen and Miss Weiland & Mrs Baker for helping out with the announcements. 

A highlight for the day was that 4 of our 8 relay teams ended up winning, which was amazing.


 For all those teachers, parents and students who came along we hope you enjoyed the day. We have 27 students going on to the Divisional round, which will be held on Tuesday September the 5th at Landy Field. Good luck to all those students, go Chilwell! 

-Written by Jemima Mills and Maggie Fitzgerald


House Activities day...

On Friday the 25th of August we had House Activities day. The whole school got divided into their houses and we did 4 activities for each house, which was run by the house captains.

Last week Balyang were in the Prep-2's area, Marknock was out the front of the school, Riversdale were on the oval, and Bareena were on the courts. 


For Balyang in the prep-2's area we did yoga, a Lego building competition, a drawing competition and mindfulness colouring. Everyone had heaps of fun and it was a great day.

A big thank you to the house captains and teachers for making this happen.


-By Henry George and Shirley Rudd (Balyang House Captains)



Year 4's Rocket Launch...

-Ian 4kJ



Student Led Conferences...