Student Led Conferences were one highlight of our Curriculum Week last week. I would like to acknowledge the work students and staff put in to make our Student Led Conferences such a great success and to thank the parents and carers that were able to attend and celebrate the learning that has taken place. The preparation provided some great reflective time for children to recognise how far their learning has come and many expressed great joy in realising how much learning they have learnt and to see their own progression. A parent survey has been established if you would like to provide feedback If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s learning at any time throughout the year please contact your child’s classroom teacher.


As part of our Curriculum Week celebrations many families also attended the Library to participate in Maths games, STEM challenges and to enjoy the Book Council of Australia shortlisted books. Some amazing newspaper towers were built, incredibly spanning from the floor to the ceiling. Grades 4, 5 and 6 children engaged with Geelong High School to complete a Rocket building challenge. They attended St Mary’s Oval to test their construction skills with some rockets flying further than 100m! Very impressive. 


86 children from Grades 3 - 6 attended the District Athletics on Wednesday August 23rd, held at Goldsworthy Road Reserve. Our children demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship and put in a great effort when completing their events. 27 children will compete at the Division Athletics in their chosen events. We wish them the best of luck.  Thank you to the parent helpers that helped make this day possible, with particular thanks to Matt, Peter, Monica and Kirsten for their organising and attending on the day. 


Concert Preparation is in full swing. During our whole school assembly on Tuesday, Meegan and grade levels led us through some of the concert songs and they are sounding great. There was such a wonderful atmosphere in the room as so many children were able to join in singing the selected songs. There has been some excited chatter in the yard about costumes and concert preparation. We can’t wait to see it all come together. 


The weather was perfect for our House Activities on Friday afternoon. Led by our house captains, children engaged in a range of multi-age activities including ball and strategy games, bean bag challenges, yoga, and mindfulness. 


As the weather is improving we are noticing the number of children arriving at school early is increasing. Parents are reminded that school yard supervision begins at 8:45 and we kindly request children not arrive before then so that we can ensure their safety. Similarly yard duty supervision finishes at 3:45pm.



Kind regards,
