
As part of our Inquiry work this term, we have been learning about reducing the amount of waste we produce. Early in the term we buried lots of different pieces of waste from our lunchboxes and classroom. We made predictions about which items would decompose and which items would stay the same.
Last week we uncovered our rubbish to see what had happened.
Some things did not change at all such as empty glue sticks and old textas.
Other things had started to change, while others had completely decomposed and become part of the soil!
During Maths we have been learning about measurement.
We used our hands to 'heft' items to compare which was heavier or lighter.
We also practised using the balance scales to order items from lightest to heaviest.
They also experimented with different sized weights from 20g to 1kg, then using balance scales to compare an object in the classroom with the given weight. They then had to use the language of measurement to record in their maths books, which object was heavier or lighter.
Our current writing focus is learning how to write procedural texts. So the students have been involved in activities, where they have to follow instructions or recipes to make things, then write the procedure in the correct format. These photos show that they were lucky enough to make playdough, then write the procedure that they had to follow.
Education in Faith
Our Education in Faith Focus this term has been learning how to be a Steward of Creation. We have read the Scripture stories Noah’s Arc, the Genesis Creation story and we have read many books about protecting our environment and nature that God created. In celebration of this unit, the students used water colours to paint their favourite part of God’s Creation that they want to protect.