Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,


I thought I'd take this opportunity to share with you some of the faith activities and events we are anticipating for Term 3.



This is an annual Junior School Event for which we always receive a wonderful response. Next term, Wednesday August 7th, we will be inviting families to come along to school between 6 - 7:15pm, in their pyjamas, and experience a series of faith/prayer activities. It's a great opportunity to share in the varied ways we encourage the children to understand and value prayer.  In the past some of our activities have included praying with Lego, creating personal family prayers, prayer art and christian meditation.

Prayers in Pyjamas 2023
Prayers in Pyjamas 2023

We hope to see many of you again or for the first time this year.



We will resume Whole School Prayer on the first Wednesday of Term 3. It's been great to see a few of our families joining in on the mornings they are available. I know the children have been delighted when family members join their class for the prayer. I would like to acknowledge Gabriel, Grace, Lexi and Max, our Year 6 Faith in Action Leaders who have been working with me to provide ideas and make recommendations as to the focus and content of our sessions.



Next term each Junior class will be provided with a Prayer Backpack that can be taken home for a couple of nights by each child.  The backpack will contain a variety of faith activities. The idea is to choose one or two that you may like to try as a family or with your child individually.  More information coming soon.


Classes will be attending the 9:15am parish mass throughout the term. We will notify each class prior to the mass in case any families would like to attend.


God's blessings to you all,


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader