Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 2 - Week 10
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
It is difficult to believe that this is the final newsletter for the semester. I am proud to say that we have had a wonderful first half of the school year. Our students have worked extremely hard and have shown great progress towards their learning goals. Just over one week to go until they can kick back and enjoy a well-earned holiday break.
Term 2 has been extremely busy to say the least, including;
- Grade 5/6's attended 2 nights at Camp Rumbug in Foster.
- Grade P-2 excursion to CERES in Brunswick
- Grade 3/4 excursion to the Moonlit Sanctuary in Pearcedale
- Commissioning Ceremony for our new Fire Carrier students
- Grade 5/6 Bush Tucker incursion
- Special Mother's Day Mass and Morning Tea in the Red Centre.
- Our wonderful parents ran a successful Mother's Day stall.
- Grade 6's visited John Paul College to watch the 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' production.
- Grade 5's visited John Paul College for a transition day
- Our new cubby house arrived!
- AFL workshops in Physical Education lessons
- Project Rockit workshops for Grade 3-6 students
- Students attended the 'From Garden to Kitchen' incursion
- A group of Grade 4 students received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time.
- The senior students led the school in an ANZAC Day service and a group of students represented the school at a commemoration service held at the Frankston War Memorial.
- We celebrated National Reconciliation Week, where students participated in activities in their classrooms and the Fire Carrier team led a service with each classroom.
- Grade 4-6 students participated in District Cross Country, a Lightning Premiership against local schools (Soccer and Netball) and also District Field Athletics.
Scarily - Term 3 is looking just as busy!
Professional Learning
This afternoon I fly out to embark on a rich professional learning experience in the Northern Territory with the Peninsula Principals' Network. This journey will provide us with an invaluable opportunity to deepen our own personal understanding of our First Nations People, their unique culture, and their enduring traditions. Immersing ourselves in the rich heritage and diverse practices of Indigenous communities, we aim to gain a profound appreciation of their history, knowledge, and perspectives. I look forward to sharing this learning with staff and students next term. I am grateful to Ms Marion, who will be in charge of the school while I am away.
Kaboom Sports Olympic Event
The Paris Olympics run for approximately two weeks, commencing Friday 26th July. We thought a great way to build some excitement about this significant event would be to hold a mini-Olympics of our own. On Tuesday 23rd July, the team from Kaboom Sports will return to school to run this afternoon with the students. The games will commence at 1:45pm and finish at 3:00pm. All parents and grandparents are warmly invited to come and cheer on the students as they participate in their activities.
A big congratulations to Ms Ashleigh and her husband Matt, who on Saturday morning welcomed their new baby boy, Sam, into the world!
Important Dates
Some key dates to put in your diaries.
Term 2
Friday 28th June. Last Day of Term Two (3:15pm finish)
Term 3
Monday 15th July. First Day of Term Three
Tuesday 23rd July. Kaboom Sports 'Olympics' event 1:45pm PARENTS WELCOME
Wednesday 7th August. Prep - 2 Prayers in Pyjamas evening
Monday 12th August. School Closure Day
Monday 19th and Thursday 22nd August. Parent/Teacher Interviews
Monday 26th August - Friday 30th August. Grade P-2 Swimming Week
Friday 30th August. Father's Day Breakfast
Friday 20th September. Last Day of Term 3 (3:15pm finish)
I look forward to seeing you all again on the first day of Term 3.
Kind Regards
Steve Peart
School Principal