Mrs Mary-Jane Guest



Congratulations to our Confirmandi students who received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation on Sunday. 

Thank you to Fr Paul for Confirming the Sacrament upon the children in the absence of a Diocesan Bishop. 

Thank you to Miss McCosker, Mrs Selig, Miss Daniels and Mrs Noela Turner for teaching the 23 students and your support and dedication in preparing the children for the sacrament of Confirmation.

To the parents, sponsors and families: thank you for nurturing the seeds of faith, providing a strong foundation and for your constant support in your child's faith journey. 

Together, you have all played a crucial role in helping these children take this significant step in their spiritual journey.


Last Wednesday, our Confirmation students participated in a Confirmation Preparation Day. Fr Paul came to HTS to speak to the children about the sacrament and the importance of prayer. The morning session was about relating the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit to Marvel characters and children created their own prayer cards on their chosen confirmation saint. A lunch of chicken and chips was enjoyed by all! 

Year 8 Mass

This Friday, Year 8 will be leading the Stage 4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church at 9:30am. It is a special Mass dedicated to the feast of Saint Irenaeus, a remarkable figure in the history of the Church. Saint Irenaeus, who lived during the 2nd century, served as a bishop and is honoured as a martyr. His life and legacy offer profound lessons in faith, courage, and wisdom.

School Mass Times

Please note that school Mass times are now 9:30am at Sacred Heart Church. Please remember that hot beverages should not be brought into the church.

Sacred Heart Mass Times

5:30pm Saturday evenings (Winter months)

9:00am Sunday mornings

For the Calendar

Term 2 2024

Friday 28 June 

- Year 8 Mass 9:30am at SHC

Friday 5 July 

- Pupil Free Day - End of Term 2


First Holy Communion

Sunday 8th September


Enjoy your week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator