Upcoming Dates

This Week
Wednesday 26 June
Wii Gaay Mentoring Sessions
Thursday 27 June
12:15pm 7-10 Field Events on back oval
Year 10 Church Cleaning
5pm-7pm Year 3-6 Social in the Hall
Friday 28 June
9.30am Year 8 Mass at SHC
PI Class to Windemere
Year 3-6 Field Events on back oval
12pm Vinnies Service Talk
Next Week
NSWCPS Rugby - selected students
Reports go home
K-6 Pizza Day
P & F Meeting
Toni Palmer Memorial Shield
Mass at McLean
Jnr Limousin Nationals
Pupil Free Day - Friday 5th July
Consent Required via Compass
EKKA - selected students
Windemere - PI class - selected students
National Limousin Competition - selected students
Major excursions - Canberra, Lake Keepit, Tea Gardens and Sydney.
Friday 5 July (last day of this term)
Monday 22 July,
Friday 27 September
Monday 14 October.