Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Visual Arts - Mason 5A Mason showed focus and dedication in art by persevering with his expression foreground, asking for feedback and refining his image until he was happy with it. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner” and is a great role model for his peers.
Performing Arts - Kresdaf 3A for demonstrating great effort while presenting rhythms on a Hi-Hat during his rehearsal and performance. Well done for following instructions and being determined to play your instrument to the pulse of the song!
Chinese - Ayman 6C for demonstrating great effort to write your invitation letter in Chinese character. You chose to do a challenging thing and you did a great job with fantastic handwriting and character structure. Keep it up!!!
LLI (Year 5) - Kilian 5B for continuing to work so hard in LLI this term and this has contributed to awesome growth in Reading. Well done, Kilian!
LLI (Year 2) - Zoey 2A for the level of focus that she displayed during L.L.I. reading sessions this week. Well done, Zoey! You should feel very proud of yourself.
6A - Bao This award is for Actively taking on feedback to improve the standard of his writing. Keep up the amazing effort Bao!
6B -Aadi This award is for being an independent learner who strives to do his best. Well done on taking pride in your work.
6C - Eva This award is for being an independent learner who strives to do her best. Well done on taking pride in your work.
5A - Ella-Ivy for being a superstar classmate. Ella-Ivy, you display the school values consistently, work with drive and persistence and still manage to have fun too. You are a kind person, who respects others and treats others with kindness.
5B - Ari for settling into 5B so well. You are consistently showing pride in your work. It is amazing to see you strive to improve your work and constantly trying your best. Thank you Ari.
4A - Amal for her terrific efforts during our Multiplication and Division work. She used creative problem solving skills to tackle challenging problems, while displaying a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Amal set an excellent example for her classmates when she explained her mathematical thinking. Keep up the fantastic work Amal!
4B - Bhagwant for consistently showing our school value of Collaboration. He works with any of his classmates and listens respectfully to their ideas and thoughts. He is a team player and that’s what we like to see in 4B. Well done Bhagwant!
4C - Rhys for demonstrating integrity and resilience in Math this week. He worked hard on practising his multiplication strategies and was determined to solve mathematical problems to the best of his ability. It was fantastic seeing his effort and determination. Well done, Rhys!
3A - Bonnie for her excellent efforts displayed during our writing lessons. She listens to all instructions and has included a range of interesting nonfiction text features in her information report. Great job, Bonnie!
3B - Beverly for consistently showing pride in your work. It is amazing to see you always striving to improve your work and constantly trying your best. I can’t wait to see your finished information report booklet about leopards. Great work, Beverly!
3C - Samira for demonstrating the school value of resilience by working independently on her information report this week. Keep up the fantastic work, Samira!
2A - Zoey for working hard at achieving her reading goal of using different Word Solving Strategies for unknown words and making sure that the words make sense to her! So proud of your reading Zoey and you should be too!
& Ethan Nguyen for completing all Writing tasks with independence and taking on feedback to improve your work. Your information report about a praying mantis was so interesting and included humour, it was lovely to hear your own personal voice coming through your writing.
2B - Tatum for his commitment towards his learning, trying his best to improve his work and showing the Deer Park West Values. Keep up the great work!
2C - Alaa for her fantastic use of a variety of strategies to solve subtraction problems. Well done, Alaa! Keep up the fantastic work!
1A - Iang for demonstrating our school value of pride when writing her information report about bees this week. Keep up the great effort Iang!
1B - Moni Has been awarded student of the week for his hard work in Reading to improve his word solving strategies and for sharing his fantastic mathematical thinking. Well done Moni!
FA - Eva for completing all learning tasks to the best of her ability this week. She took on all feedback and made changes when needed. Keep it up!
FB - Mia demonstrating integrity. Mia always tries her best in the classroom. Across all key learning areas, she practises to improve her skills and completes learning tasks on time. Well done Mia!
Highlighted Students
Lower primary:
1B - Moni Has been awarded student of the week for his hard work in Reading to improve his word solving strategies and for sharing his fantastic mathematical thinking. Well done Moni!
Upper primary:
Chinese - Ayman 6C for demonstrating great effort to write your invitation letter in Chinese character. You chose to do a challenging thing and you did a great job with fantastic handwriting and character structure. Keep it up!!!