Acting Assistant Principal Reports

 Sharon Rogers/Spira Antonopoulos 

Term 2 Challenge of the Week - Sudoku

Term 2 Challenge of the Week - Sudoku


We are continuing with the Sudoku puzzles for this week.

Sudoku is a cool puzzle game with numbers from 1 to 9. The aim of the game is to fill up a 9-by-9 grid with numbers, so that each row, column, and little 3-by-3 square has all the numbers from 1 to 9.

To begin playing, you get a grid with some numbers already in it. You have to fill in the rest of the numbers to finish the puzzle.

Here's how you play:

  1. Look for an empty square on the grid.
  2. Think about which number from 1 to 9 could fit in that square. Look at the other numbers in the row, column, and little square to help you decide.
  3. Write the number you picked in the square.
  4. Keep doing steps 1 to 3 until all the squares have a number.

Remember, you can only use each number once in each row, column, and little square. Sudoku puzzles can be easy or hard, so if you're just starting out, try an easy one with fewer empty squares. 


As you get better, you can try harder ones with more empty squares. Ready to try?

Here is this week’s game board.


Once you have filled in the missing numbers, bring your sudoku sheet to the ‘Challenge’ box in the corridor by recess on Wednesday.  Each student will receive a PAC card for taking up the challenge. Hard copies available at the office. 


Well done to the following students who participated last week, you will receive a PAC for your hard work:

Emily (& mum) 1A

Dion 1B

Andrew (& mum) 3A


Kind regards,








Sharon Rogers

Acting Assistant Principal 





Many thanks,









Spira Antonopoulos

Acting Assistant Principal