

Nights of Reading

Happy Birthday

Aussie of the month - June

LEGO Project

Staff's Student of the Week - 07/06/2024

Congratulations Chanse for owning his own behaviour


Student's Student of the Week - 07/06/2024 

Well done Elsie for helping others write their name and being brave and kind when hurt at playtime


Bronze Award - 07/06/2024

Charney & Chaise
Charney & Chaise


Staff's Student of the Week - 14/06/2024

Congratulations to Joey for making lots of progress in his learning.


Student's Student of the Week - 14/06/2024 

Well done to Elsie for speaking kindly to others and trying hard to do her Ss the right way!




Bronze Award - 14/06/2024



Staff' Student of the Week - 21/06/2024

Congratulations to Leroy for giving everything a red hot go, first time every time.


Student's Student of the Week - 21/06/2024

This weeks award goes to two worthy student's - Well done 

Chyler for improving her writing, helping others and being a good friend and

Leroy for being a good friend to all and taking his work seriously.



Bronze Award - 21/06/2024


Charney & Joey
Charney & Joey


Nights of Reading

Chanse has completed 50 nights of Reading - Amazing job!!

Happy Birthday

During June we wished a very Happy Birthday to Mrs Notley, Mrs Crawford, Mrs Hunt and Miss Dunn (Miss Cattelini and Mrs Harris also celebrated their birthday in June).


Staff's Student of the Week - 28/06/2024

Congratulation's Valerie for receiving this weeks award for being an active listener to her teachers and peers


 Student's Student of the Week - 28/06/2024

Another wee of two amazing student's receiving this award!

Leroy Weatherall for being respectful of peers and packing equipment awa properly. For getting all of his spelling words correct.

Valerie Ham for doing what she is asked without a fuss and cleaning up the sports shed



Aussie of the month - June 

The value for the month of June was Self-Regulation 

*Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviour and your reactions to feelings and things happening around you. It includes being able to: regulate reactions to strong emotions like frustration, excitement, anger and embarrassment.​

Congratulations to this months recipient Elsie


Men in the Shed - Finished LEGO project.