Library News

Premier's Reading Challenge

It has been fabulous to hear the students' excited feedback when sharing that they have completed their challenge. We're endeavouring to instil the motto, "The more you read, the more you will know"

Creating Digital Solutions for our Learning

The students have been focusing on interactive ways to share their learning. Some are creating interactive slide decks and thinking about the user experience when creating their digital designs. We've been using the Thinglink website to share what we have learnt about various Australian authors. Whilst others are exploring how they can share their learning using the Storyjumper website. This week, during library, we were visited by Simon Collier, an educational consultant from ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority). We will be working alongside Simon to create rich, authentic assessment tasks that will be posted on the ACARA website to assist other educators. Simon was very impressed with the high level of engagement that the students demonstrated and is looking forward to positive outcomes from this process.


A friendly reminder that Library Bags must be brought to each library session to return and borrow books!

Sacred Heart Primary School's Library Bag
Sacred Heart Primary School's Library Bag


Thank you,


Weekly Library Sessions

Wednesday: Years2/3, 3/4 and 5/6

Thursday: Foundation, Years 1 and 4/5