Year Seven

Dear Year Seven Families,
In our recent English classes, students have been exploring the concept of depth of knowledge questions about various texts. We have been reading about topics such as Hong Kong's Bun Festival and Indonesian food specialities. Our students have shown exceptional understanding and interest, presenting their work in a organised manner.
We are now beginning our work on our next unit for English, where students will be studying the Hero's Journey. This new topic promises to be an exciting exploration of storytelling and character development.
In our Humanities classes, we recently concluded our geography unit. Some of our Year 7 students had the opportunity to present their water management projects to the grade 3 classes. The younger students were thoroughly engaged and enjoyed learning from older peers. Additionally, our students have also been delving into the history of the Olympic Games. They have explored significant moments in the Olympics, learned about notable athletes, examined various issues related to hosting the games, and studied the inspiring stories of the refugee Olympic team. We wish all our Australian athletes the best of luck representing our country at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
We are excited to share the progress our Year 7 students have made in Science. They have learned to use paper chromatography to separate colors and have been recording data with graphs and models.
In their crystallisation experiments, they discovered that crystals form on a string in a cooling saturated solution and noted that different solutions produce various crystal shapes. Their Crystallisation Investigation project research has enhanced their understanding and enthusiasm for crystal formation.
We look forward to seeing their continued growth and discoveries in Science next term.