Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Our students are busy wrapping up term two and what a term it has been!
As part of their inquiry into the responsibilities of governments and citizens, students investigated Australian political parties and their objectives. They inquired into the role of the Prime Minister, his responsibilities and how his decisions impact on Australian society. Extending their learning further, students examined their responsibilities as citizens and the ways they could contribute to the decisions the government makes. Students collaborated to create posters on the political parties of their choice. They also created protest posters to effect change for the better.
To reinforce the students' learning in the current Unit of Inquiry, they took part in their very own Parliament Day. Each student had the opportunity to campaign for their electorate and be elected by their peers. Demonstrating great courage, the students crafted persuasive speeches filled with ideas on how to improve our school. Emulating a real-life voting experience, they then headed to the voting booths to cast their votes. In true democratic fashion, the day concluded with a 'Democracy Sausage,' expertly prepared by Mr. Nicolaides. We eagerly anticipate the formation of our Year 6 Parliament by the successful candidates
In mathematics, students worked in pairs and groups to explore the various forms of data representation. Our students were risk-takers as they learned to construct, analyse and interpret a range of data displays and calculate the mean, median, mode and range in a data set.
Students have been hard at work examining how well-known people have been successful in delivering impactful speeches. They looked at the structure of speeches and the various persuasive techniques they could use to help them write their own speeches.
Reflections on learning experiences
These are a few reflections on our students' learning experiences in term 2.
In this term I have had many learning experiences, but I feel that Canberra camp is the biggest one so far. It made me much more of a principled learner because we had to see important places/people and had to be on good behaviour to represent our school.
Canberra was definitely a highlight this term ad probably year. I especially liked the Arboretum and Talent Show. I think going to Canberra improved my inquiry and thinking skills. I asked a lot of questions. In the Arboretum, we got to do a scavenger hunt at night!
On Athletics Day everyone had heaps of fun and we did so many activities. My favourite was hurdles. I was happy but a bit disappointed. I had won a ribbon for 4th place but I wish I could have won more ribbons. I believe I was reflective because I am hoping to improve next time I have Athletics Day.
During one of our incursions, we learned about how laws are made. It was fun listening to the facilitator as he made it fun. One fact that I learned was to make an official law, it takes three months to a whole year! This learning experience made me more of a thinker because he made me think about the process on which to make a law.
The maths topic on time caught my attention. I personally believe this topic was the one that got me going as an inquirer in my engagement with maths and writing in my book/doing work in my book.
It was a great experience when Ms Susan Maclntyre, one of our councillors, visited us. I got to listen to her experiences as a councillor. She also told us about the things she oversaw while being a councillor- Garbage collection, local roads, Pets/Domestic animals etc. This experience helped me become a reflective learner because I can see how a local government system works and how it helps make the Australia better.
- MacBooks: Please ensure MacBooks are brought to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately due to OH&S reasons, students are unable to charge their devices at school.
- Mobile Phones: If a student brings a phone to school, they must hand it into their classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end of the day.
- Uniform: Students must be in full academic uniform every day, with the exception of their Year 6 polo shirt. On days with sports or PE, students can wear their PE uniform. Students are not allowed to wear other jumpers, or hoodies that are not Saltwater Uniform. Please reach out to Miss Grenfell or Mr Nicolaides if you have an issue having a school jumper during the winter months.
- Late Arrivals: Students arriving at school from 8:40 am must sign in at the office before going to class.
- Absences: If your child/ren are absent, please log this on Xuno as early as possible to avoid messages for unexplained absences.
Kindest regards,
Year Six Team