Year Three

Dear Year Three Community,
As we reach the conclusion of Semester One, it is incredible to reflect on the remarkable journey of our Year Three students. They have engaged deeply in their learning, making substantial progress both academically and personally.
In Reading, students have been learning about finding the main idea and enjoying Reader's Theatre and Buddy Reading with peers. The focus on fluency has been evident as students read aloud, enhancing their expression and comprehension skills.
In Writing, students have continued to develop their skills in informative text writing. They have been writing about various systems at the camp site and our school, exploring how each system complements the other. This practical application of writing has allowed them to see the relevance of their work in real-world contexts.
In Maths, students have explored 3D shapes and their properties, identifying and describing features such as edges, vertices, and faces. Additionally, they have learned about additive strategies, applying these methods to solve various mathematical problems effectively.
In Inquiry, students delved deeper into the unit on 'How We Organise Ourselves.' They continued to learn about various systems around us and how they work together for the effective functioning of our community. This investigation has fostered a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of systems and their importance in our daily lives.
Phillip Island Adventure Camp
Our Year Three students recently attended a successful camp program at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort. Despite this being their first camp out of school for three days and two nights, they displayed incredible self-management and social skills. Their discipline and cooperation were truly commendable, making the camp a memorable and enriching experience for everyone involved. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who assisted the teachers and ensure the students were safe and happy at camp.
-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
-Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno and a comment is provided for it.
We are immensely proud of the Year Three students for their hard work and dedication. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in their education journey.
Kind Regards,
Year Three Teaching Team