Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
It's hard to believe that we find ourselves at the end of Semester One already! The Year Two's have been so busy throughout Term Two and it is wonderful to reflect on all of the growth they have made, both as learners and individuals.
We are asking for donations of any picture story books or children's chapter books from families that they no longer need or use. These will be used in classroom libraries so please ensure that any donated books are in good condition and are appropriate for Year Two students.
As we approach the end of our current unit of inquiry, students are investigating a First Nations person of their choosing in order to write a biography of their life. This project will continue into the first week of Term 3, when we will wrap up our unit into First Nations people and culture.
Students have been learning about the lives and incredible achievements of the athletes our school houses are named after - Cathy Freeman, Adam Goodes, Evonne Goolagong and Kyle Vander-Kuyp.
In Reading, students were able to participate in an author study reading about 'Mem Fox'. Students analysed the books they read and judged the authors' language, message and purpose of the book. Students have then been exposed to figurative language looking at metaphors, imagery, similes and alliteration.
In Writing, the students have started to finish learning about recounts. They have discussed that a recount is writing about something that has already happened, recounting the event. We have been concentrating on the 5W's and 1H as well as sequence of events using ordinal language and paragraphs. Students are looking forward to next term's writing genre of Information reports.
In Maths, we have still been focusing of addition strategies of partitioning, split, vertical and number-lines. Students have been able to use their new knowledge and apply each strategy to addition equations. Students are now starting to learn subtraction and how addition and subtraction are related. We are gradually exposing students to new subtraction strategies in relation to worded problems.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.