Primary Specialists

Prep Art
What a fantastic last two weeks in Art. In Week 9 and 10, students inquired into how they use different materials and textures to make a caterpillar. They made a connection to textures, emotions and colours through this activity. A massive thank you to all our parents for donating recycled materials and clean, long socks over the last few weeks. I really appreciate it. The classes success was reflected upon the donations given. Thank you for making this possible and for bringing this project to life. Students had lots of fun exploring different textures and reflecting upon how these textures made them feel. Collectively, all classes then went to a vote to name their special texture caterpillars, which brought a lot of excitement. Well done superstars.
Visual Art 1-6.
Grades 1 & 2: Fabric and Wool Collages Our youngest artists have been diving into the world of fabric and wool. They've been exploring various methods to create stunning collages, combining textures and colours to bring their imaginative visions to life.
Grade 3: Finger Knitting and Pom-Pom Making Third grade have been having a blast experimenting with finger knitting and making pom-poms. Their creativity is shining through in every colourful and fluffy creation.
Grade 4: Stuffed Toy Creations The fourth graders are hard at work on their stuffed toys. This week, they’ve been adding stuffing, making their creations come to life with each soft and cuddly detail.
Grade 5: God's Eye Weaving Fifth graders have been finishing up their beautiful God’s Eye weavings. Some students are now adding pom-poms and tassels, while others are starting a second weave. Their intricate designs are truly a sight to behold.
Grade 6: Basket Weaving Our sixth graders have been honing their basket weaving skills. They’ve been building up layers and perfecting their techniques, creating beautiful baskets.
Special Art Activities for Grade 3: Creative Fun Grade 3 students who didn’t attend camp enjoyed some choice-based art activities. They explored their creativity through sculpture, watercolour painting, and drawing, all while grooving along to Disney movie soundtracks.
Stay tuned for more artistic adventures and amazing creations from our talented students!
Media Art with Mr Howarth
In Media, students have continued exploring their introductory units, focusing on specific skill sets and topics, including:
Year One: Recording voice and sound on our devices
Year Two: Introduction to basic shot types, such as long, medium and close-up shots.
Year Three: Refresher course on our shot types, such as high and low angle.
Year Four: Media Analysis of the Indigenous kid's show Thalu with a focus on character traits and conflict in narratives.
Year Five: Introduction to sound and video editing
Year Six: Using Moana as a mentor text to explore how culture influences artistic choices.
It's great to see that your students are actively engaging with the Spanish language through various fun and educational activities. Learning a new language through dancing, singing, and role-playing can make the process more enjoyable and effective. Here's a summary of what each group of students has been working on:
Prep to Year 2 Students:
Greetings: They've learned how to say "Hola" and "Buenos días" to their teachers and classmates.
Physical Activity: They've incorporated movement into language learning by singing and dancing to "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" in Spanish.
Technology Integration: They've used a school-based app to practice numbers, colours, and directions in Spanish.
Bilingual Songs: They've learned songs in both English and Spanish, which is a great way to reinforce vocabulary.
Years 3 and 4 Students:
Greetings: They've continued practicing common greetings in Spanish, such as "Hola," "Buenos días," and "Adiós."
Basic Conversational Phrases: They've worked on asking and responding to simple questions like "¿Cómo te llamas?" (What is your name?), "¿Cuántos años tienes?" (How old are you?), and "¿Puedo ir al baño?" (Can I go to the toilet?).
Parting Phrases: They've learned to say "Adiós" and wave goodbye.
Years 5 and 6 Students:
Cultural Exploration: Students in these years have delved into the culture and traditions of Spanish-speaking countries. This is an essential aspect of language learning, as it helps students understand the context and usage of the language.
Interactive Learning: They've been using online resources like Rockalingua and Señor Wooly to practice and enhance their Spanish skills. These interactive websites can make learning more engaging and interactive.
By integrating various teaching methods and technology, your students are likely to have a well-rounded understanding of the Spanish language, from basic vocabulary and greetings to cultural knowledge and language practice. It's an effective approach to language learning that keeps students engaged and motivated.
Your Spanish teachers…
Grade Prep
This week in Prep, we focused on maintaining a steady beat and practicing simple rhythms through clapping and stomping. We also emphasized the importance of working together as a group by observing both performer and audience etiquette, which includes good manners and expected behaviors. As budding musicians, we learned about the two key positions: Resting and Ready. These positions help us stay organized and play effectively as a team.
Grade One: Peter and the Wolf
In Grade One we delved into the classic story of "Peter and the Wolf." The students listened attentively to how each character in the story is represented by different orchestra instruments. This exercise helped them understand how music can be used to narrate a story and distinguish the sounds of various instruments.
Grade Two students sang "Alligator Pie" with accompanying hand actions and continued practicing simple rhythms using claves and maracas. They are also working on singing "Do-Re-Mi" from "The Sound of Music," learning the Solfege symbols (Do, Re, Mi, etc.) to better understand musical intervals and pitch. To reinforce their learning, they played a Kahoot quiz based on previous lessons.
Grade Three is progressing with their recorder lessons, specifically playing "Hot Cross Buns." To aid their practice, they are completing written exercises on recorder theory, notation, and proper handling of the instrument. Emphasis is placed on correct breathing techniques and finger placement to produce clear notes and avoid developing bad habits.
Grade Four students are working on interpreting formal musical notation using Noteflight. Their current task involves rewriting the song "B.I.N.G.O" based on a sample provided on Schoolbox. This activity helps them understand the structure and notation of music.
Students in Grades Five & Six are advancing their ukulele skills by learning the third chord, G Major. They have started playing their first simple song, "You Are My Sunshine," which integrates the chords they have learned.
Physical Education
Exciting Soccer Skill Lessons!
The P.E team are excited to share the latest updates from our Primary Physical Education program, where our students have been actively engaged in soccer skills lessons. Over the past month, our students have been honing their dribbling, passing, and shooting techniques under the guidance of our P.E teachers.
The soccer sessions have been a great success, fostering teamwork and sportsmanship among our students.
We are delighted to announce that Saltwater College students will proudly participate in the upcoming Winter Sports Gala against other schools in our area. Stay tuned for more updates and results in the net newsletter.
As we come to the end off the term we have been revisiting some of the past classes and tasks achieved, and tapped on the important lessons and reasons behind them. We have been identifying the depth and significance behind them, and the connection they have to the students and their journey moving forward. Through this students have been able to acknowledge and take ownership of their actions realising that in the end, the final outcome of all they seek and desire through their goals and dreams is a reflection of their approach, mindset and focus moving forward. Over the past few weeks we have seen many students be more open minded as their confidence grew, taking on tasks and exercises more freely and willingly. Through this we have seen such a positive increase in all areas with students which has resulted in greater achievements along the way!
Wakakirri students have been working hard getting the final few stages of choreography locked in, as we get another step closer to finishing all the routines. With each new sections added everyone gets a little more excited as they start to see the bigger picture and everything start to evolve and come together. Everyone has been so supportive of each other and everyone’s roles within this performance and I love the energy and team work they bring and represent. Nothing is more rewarding as a teacher when you hear all the students working together and rehearsing in the studio without being prompted. This is a true reflection of the outstanding hardworking students we have in this program, and one Saltwater are proud to have! Well done to all!
Our VSSS dancers have learnt a whole new routine using a huge tarp that everyone is involved in as a team. This has opened up the students minds to another level of team work and how it’s important that everyone is takes ownership and responsibility for their role in the routine and performance. This has created a stronger bond yet again within the group of dancers, and has helped everyone elevate and push up to another level. Every week our students work harder and push their own boundaries to be stronger and better themselves from the week before. Out VSSS team will be representing our school at their finest come September 14th! :)