David's Message

Dear Sunshine Heights Parents and Carers,


Thank you to everyone for an amazing term - despite the chill mornings it has been another great opportunity to connect and challenge ourselves as passionate learners. I also wanted to especially thank our parents for your unwavering passion for making our school a incredible place. It was wonderful to see so many of you at Twilight School, and for you to be able to experience the learning our students love to engage with. 


Reports go out today, and we are looking forward to seeing you all at Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 23rd July 2024. These can be booked in through compass, including if you require an interpreter. The school day finishes at 1pm on this day, and will present a great opportunity to hear about your child's progress, as well as how we can build the ongoing school home partnership to support your child's development. 

New Clothing Bin Location!
New Clothing Bin Location!


As many of you may have heard, one of future focuses is on creating as much of a circular economy on our school grounds as possible. Examples of this are our drive to get Solar Panels on the roof (coming soon!) and building an area where we can grow our own plants to give back to the school and wider community. As part of this, we now have a new clothing bin on the school grounds, located near the staff car park. This can be accessed by parents if you have clothes you would like to donate. The funds raised by this method go towards the Sebastian Foundation, the group who pay for Open Parachute, our Positive Proactive Mental Health Program at SHPS. If you have any clothes you would like to drop in, please head over, but be aware this area continues to be out of bounds for students. 


Next term Mr Dane is on leave as he explores California and Las Vegas, and Mr Shaun, one of our regular CRTs. will be supporting the PE program until week 10. We wish Mr Dane the safest of travels. 


Have a very safe and happy holidays. Next term we are looking forward to Science Week, Book Week, Fathers and Special Person's Day, plus a whole lot of other exciting learning. 


Best wishes, 


David and the Entire Sunny Heights Team