Class 4/5 with Kathryn
4/5K - Radical Radish Fun!
This term for inquiry we have been learning about Biological Science… you know… plants, seeds, germination, habitats, adaptations, photosynthesis… our amazing natural environment! In writing we have also been learning about the Scientific Investigation Process and how to record our experiments and results. At assembly last Friday we thought that we would teach everyone the key steps in this process - we hope you enjoyed it!
Here are some photos of our posters and assembly presentation.
In our classroom we have been undertaking experiments. Our whole class experiment has aimed to answer the big question; 'What are the ultimate growing conditions for a radish?' We collected different soil types (clay, sand, potting mix and our very own unique Mount Beauty soil), and then decided that we also thought that the amount of sunlight and water would also affect the growth. These were our variables. So far we have discovered that the rubarb seeds located in the shaded box in the
For our own personal experiments, students have been watching carefully at the germination of green bean seeds. We have been recording our observations (qualitative data) and measurements (quantitative data) in our own mini science workbooks.
As we work on each science experiment, we have followed the scientific method by asking a big question, researching and recording background information, deciding on the variables and creating a hypothesis, undertaking the experiment, gathering data and observation notes, and then discussing and reporting our findings… YES we have been very busy scientists!
Thank you to our Year 6 hosts Dandy, Alex, Hugh and Finn.
Term 2, 2024
Friday 21st June - Class 3/4 with Kim and Kath will be presenting.
Friday 28th June - Class 1/2 with Ellen will be presenting.
Family and friends are welcome to attend our assemblies on Monday and Fridays, which will be held in the undercover area for Term 2.
If you are unwell, please refrain from attending.
Achievement Awards