Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Thank you to the families and friends who joined us today, to commemorate World Music Day, with a celebration of what each of our classes have been learning in music. Congratulations to students and Emily on an outstanding performance that included singing, ukulele and chair drumming.


A reminder to all families, that tomorrow we will continue our celebration of World Music Day, with a special dress up day.  'Come dressed as your favourite Musician'!  


Families are invited to join us tomorrow night, at the Mountain Monk Brewery, for our turn in the weekly community raffle.  Please encourage your friends and extended family to come along and help us raise funds to give our old buildings a fresh new look!  Ticket selling will commence at 6pm and the raffle will be called at 7pm. There are always lots of great prizes to win, so we hope you can join us!

Congratulations to all students who have been participating in our lunchtime netball competition.  Yesterday, we had two more exciting games. Next week, the season will draw to a close when Blue and Black play off in our netball final.  Our lunchtime netball competition has a history dating back over 30 years, so we are looking forward to adding this year's premiers to the plaque!


Today, students in P/1 attended a special fashion parade, involving designer fashions made from recycled materials.  The parade was the collective effort of the 5/6 class, and demonstrated not only their creativity, but also their attention to detail.  Who knows, one day we may all be buying one of their labels!

Tomorrow, our Friday morning assembly will feature a presentation from the year 3/4 class.  Many thanks to all families for joining us on these chilly mornings. I have no doubt that we will all appreciate the comfort of the new mult-purpose building, when we finally get to move in!


Next week, the last week of term, will be a busy one! On Tuesday, students in Years 5&6 will travel to Tawonga, to attend a matinee of the Tawonga Primary School's annual performance. On Wednesday, students in all classes will have the opportunity to participate in some AFL clinics, while students in Years 3-6 will also have the opportunity to participate in some drama classes.  On Thursday, the big move will begin!


Last week, we learned that Sebastian is soon to cut and donate his hair to be made into a wig, for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.  Our SRC decided this would be a great thing to support and next Friday, 28th June, we will celebrate the end of term with a crazy hair and casual dress day. Students are asked to please bring along a gold coin donation to support this cause. Alternatively, you can also make a donation here. Please help us to raise funds to support Sebastian's quest to help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need.  (Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth.)


A reminder that school will finish, on Friday 28th June, at the earlier time of 2.30pm.


A final reminder that CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) applications will close next week!  If you haven't already done so, please pick up a form from the office. All forms must be returned by Tuesday 25th June for processing by the due date. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments of $150 for eligible primary students (Health Card holders, etc) to attend activities such as school camps, swimming and school-organised sport programs, excursions and incursions.