Holy Cross Happenings 

Growth Mindsets - Yr 3/4 Rollerskating Excursion

Last Friday the Year 3s and 4s went to Sunshine to experience rollerskating. Some of the children had never roller skated before so it was a great learning experience for all. The purpose of the excursion was to explore our growth mindsets and reflect on the strategies we use when we experience challenges. All the children and teachers had a great time throughout the day. Thank you to all the teachers and parent helpers for organising and supporting the event. If you look up at the TVs now you can watch a short video of the children having fun on their skates. 

Division Cross Country

Last Thursday, on the 30th of May, 7 Holy Cross athletes made their way down to Masons Lane Reserve in Bacchus Marsh for the Western Ranges Division Cross Country. Holy Cross was represented very well and it was great to see everyone encouraging one another. Holy Cross had 6 students finish in the top 12, congratulations to Finnan Howley 1st, Jameson Howley 2nd, James Dwyer 6th, Oliver Spiteri 12th, Adrian Avenell 1st and Isabella Howley 1st for progressing to the Western Metropolitan Cross Country competition to be held on the 20th of June. A shout out to Ivy Ogle who also competed at the competition. Everyone should be really pleased with their efforts as it takes a lot of determination to qualify at such a high level. A big thank you to our parents and the school for supporting us and our achievements.


By Isabella Yr 6


Work experience

A big thank you to Victoria for her assistance in our classrooms over the past two weeks during her work experience. We hope she has learned a lot and enjoyed her time at Holy Cross. We certainly enjoyed having her here!



 Word Environment Day 


On the 5th of June we as a school celebrated World Environment Day. We all  picked up rubbish around our school, each class did an amazing job at helping our environment. The class that picked the most got a certificate at assembly. We all enjoyed helping our planet and thank you Caitlin for organising this special day and its great to see our school so clean. We hope to do more days like this in the future.


Gabi and Violet

Media Leaders